A pit bull and his chickens


Crossing the Road
May 10, 2020
Chester, Nova Scotia
My Coop
My Coop
One (very bad) game we have always done with our dog Corona is called ‘get the birdie’ when we say this he shrieks until we open the door then he barrels out into the yard to chase the robins or crows off of his lawn. One time he even chased after the cock pheasant we affectionately named ‘Steve’. I’m sure the neighbors thought someone was getting killed because we were screaming ‘run Steve run!’ Steve ran and flew away screaming at Corona the whole time very offended his morning strut was interrupted.
Corona, by nature, is as gentle as they come, even if he enjoys bird chasing. Even though he’s a big bad pit bull. He loves snuffling babies then is happy to quietly lay beside them and sleep. He’s been around the chickens a bit when they were very young and a couple times since they moved into the coop but not as they’ve gotten full grown. Today we decided to see how he would be around them in yard.
He was very happy to quietly walk amongst them, sniffing their fluffy butts. Today was also their first day grazing around the yard.
For a short period of time, we had a pit bull...what a great dog! Your guy is so handsome, it was fun seeing the pictures!

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