A quick update from the South of France

Hubby put up the chicken run yesterday!

It is 150cm high. I've read that I should keep the chickens in their coop for at least a week so they recognise their safe place and where to go to sleep each night, etc. So I will let them out next week into the run.

The first night I had to climb into the coop to catch them and put them in the nesting/roosting box. The second night I just tapped gently on the mesh and told them to go inside, one by one they climbed the ladder and went to bed. Last night only one was still out and I did the same, tapped on the mesh and told her to go to bed. She hopped up and went to bed. I close the door each night because of wild animals here.

I was told they are 32 weeks, which is already into laying age and each morning my daughter is disappointed to find no eggs (me too actually...). Should I borrow a rooster for a day? The chickens I got are 1 x Sussex, 1 x Cendré and 1 x Sexlinks. The Sexlinks is cheeky and pecks the other 2 from time to time. The Cendré is beautiful and large and I love the ring of black spots around the neck of the Sussex.

I'm already thinking of getting another 2 chickens! Enjoy the pics.


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