A seafood diet for quail


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 6, 2014
Hi Everyone, I am a quail newbie living near the beach in Cornwall UK
I know that quail love meal worm, and that they need protein, on my beach I have limpets, mussels and winkles in beuatiful clean blue atlantic water, is it safe to feed them to my quail as a treat? would the salt content harm them?

All shellfish would soak in clean water overnight before being fed to the quail to clean them.

Would it be ok to crush the shell and add to their grit?

Glad for any advice
A tiny bit is ok to feed. I am sure they will enjoy it! My quail will eat a tiny bit of shrimp, but they aren't horribly interested in it.

Go easy on it as fish or shell fish can give a fishy taste to the eggs. And too much salt can be harmful to poultry. But a little bit as a treat is good for them!

Oh, and welcome to BYC!!!

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