A Snail Buying A Car?!?!?!?!?!


11 Years
Jul 29, 2008
Trapped in my computer
A snail crawls into a car dealership and tells the salesperson he finally spots that he would like something along the lines of a convertible. After agreeing on a yellow, streamlined thing, he says "GREAT- I'll buy one if you make one with a big red 'S' on the sides". The salesperson is curious about this but says nothing.

A week later, the car dealerchip calls and says that his car is ready. The snail goes to pick it up when the salesperson asks about the big red 'S' on the side.

The snail replies "so that when i drive by, people say 'look at that s car go!"

(VERBAL JOKE- if you dont get it try saying it out loud)
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