A sure-fire cure to all respiratory illness in chickens

Even tho I agree with almost all the above statements next time if one of us where to HAVE post somthing like this could we post it in a gentler way? The 5 year old I baby sit freacked out when I read this to her "When shes over I read her everything" There are minors here and being an older minor myself I know some of them dont take shuch blunt truth nicely.
I'm sorry, I have to agree with Katy to pre-read before you read something to a child! The truth is not always nice and should never be "sugar-coated"... There is a harsh truth to owning chickens (or any animal forother o that matter).. Dogs can get parvo or rabies and infect other dogs, animals or even humans.. These dogs should be euthanized (in whatever way the owner sees necessary as long as humane).. If that means taking it out back and putting a bullet in it, so be it! The health and welfare of all others (animal or human) should never be jeopardized..

We as chicken owners, be it if we are 9 or 99, NEED to know that sometimes there are things we just cannot fix and it needs to be dealt with appropriately.. That's just the way it is and if someone cannot handle that fact, they need to get a pet rock!

I'm sorry, I have to agree with Katy to pre-read before you read something to a child! The truth is not always nice and should never be "sugar-coated"... There is a harsh truth to owning chickens (or any animal forother o that matter).. Dogs can get parvo or rabies and infect other dogs, animals or even humans.. These dogs should be euthanized (in whatever way the owner sees necessary as long as humane).. If that means taking it out back and putting a bullet in it, so be it! The health and welfare of all others (animal or human) should never be jeopardized..

We as chicken owners, be it if we are 9 or 99, NEED to know that sometimes there are things we just cannot fix and it needs to be dealt with appropriately.. That's just the way it is and if someone cannot handle that fact, they need to get a pet rock!


Yes it was stupid of me NOT to pre read, However there are other children who can read, looking over their parents shoulders. And however it may not need to be suger coted some dont take to such blunt ways it needs to be confronted but not in such a abrupt way?
I'm sorry didnt mean to upset anyone I'm just trying to help
I know you were.. Unfortunately, we cannot keep all children (or queasy adult) from reading these forums.. They are family forums and rules do apply... As I stated before, there are cold hard truths that we need to deal with in this venture, be it for fun or business.. If a child is reading over a parent's shoulder, the child should already have basic knowledge of keeping chickens as someone who owns them or in the process of gaining that knowledge if they or the parents are thinking about owning them..

To me, it's like having a goldfish and finding it floating on top of the water and telling a child, "he's sleeping".. Or having a hamster that suddenly dies and telling the child, "it ran away!".. a child needs to know, no matter how old or young they are that death is as part of life as breathing or eating... They may not completely understand it but eventually they will and they will be able to handle it a lot better...

I'm sorry, I have to agree with Katy to pre-read before you read something to a child! The truth is not always nice and should never be "sugar-coated"... There is a harsh truth to owning chickens (or any animal forother o that matter).. Dogs can get parvo or rabies and infect other dogs, animals or even humans.. These dogs should be euthanized (in whatever way the owner sees necessary as long as humane).. If that means taking it out back and putting a bullet in it, so be it! The health and welfare of all others (animal or human) should never be jeopardized..

We as chicken owners, be it if we are 9 or 99, NEED to know that sometimes there are things we just cannot fix and it needs to be dealt with appropriately.. That's just the way it is and if someone cannot handle that fact, they need to get a pet rock!


Yes it was stupid of me NOT to pre read, However there are other children who can read, looking over their parents shoulders. And however it may not need to be suger coted some dont take to such blunt ways it needs to be confronted but not in such a abrupt way?
I'm sorry didnt mean to upset anyone I'm just trying to help

The truth is often blunt. My kids were raised farm kids as was I..... They knew from much younger than 5 the realities that go along with animal ownership.
I don't understand why everything must be sugar coated these days. My brothers cat was killed and he told his them 6 year old daughter that she ran away. What did that solve? She looked for that cat everyday for a long time, why not just explain death to a child when it is an animal versus a beloved Great Aunt?

My daughter was about 5 when we got chickens. Out of our first 7 chicks one had a really bad leg problem, I let him live until he was having trouble getting around, and while I did not have her watch the culling, she was aware of what was going on and why.
I know it is a whole different animal, but we found out the hard way that respiratory ailments are NOT to be messed with. My husband, bought 10 cute little bottle calves to start a herd here on our little hillside. One of the farmers he bought from, did a switch on him, and sent a sick calf instead of the one DH picked out. Despite many trips to the VET, and who knows how much medication....one by one, we lost 8 of our calves...the original carrier was the last to go. Disposing of a calf carcass is a lot bigger deal than a chicken! It turned out to be a very expensive lesson!

If I get livestock with a respiratory ailment, it gets culled. Period.

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