A Very Unhappy Flock *A long, complicated story*


7 Years
Jun 26, 2012
For nearly a year, it was just the five girls, Skye, Eggnog, Chipmunk, Hershey, and Q. They sometimes picked on eachother, but at the end of the day, it was all okay. They were in their large coop at night, and were put in the chicken tractor during the day.

Then my sister got ducks, and it all blew up. Dad expanded the pen, so now it's nearly three times the size it was. The Chickens did not like the ducks one bit, when they were in the chicken tractor, they kept glaring at them. Maybe it would'nt have been so bad if I hadn't ordered eight silkie chicks a few months ago... maybe they could have gotten used to the ducks...
When the chicks came, they slept in my room... the dust from them was so bad I couldn't breath in my room, so the chicks, at only five weeks old (But they looked and acted much older than that) were 'kicked out' we put them and their pen out in the chicken coop, it had a heat lamp out there, so they would be okay. The big girls didn't like them either. they scared them away when they came close, soon, when the big girls were there, the silkies just ran inside the coop, and stayed in a corner, all cuddled up.

I feel like it's all my fault, I should have just left it be with just five happy hens.... The silkies are scared to death of me, and the only thing they eat is their feed, and even my relationship with the big girls isn't as good as it used to be.... I just don't know what to do
Make sure there are multiple waterers and feeders, so the silkies can get to water and feed even if the big girls try to keep them away.

Make smaller pen inside the big one so the big girls can see the silkies but can't get to them. You can use chicken wire for this or plastic netting. Put water and feed inside the smaller pen too. You may need to figure out how to provide shade. after a week or so, start throwing treats at the edge of the little pen so the big girls are eating right next to the silkies with just the fence separating them - so they can get used to each other. It might take a couple of weeks before they can be with each other.
This usaally means you have to take the silkies out each morning and put them in the pen, and at night put them in the coop. If your coop is big enough, make a separate area for them. A dog kennel might work.

do a little research here on combining flocks, you will learn a lot.
my dad made a seperate pen for the ducks, and the chickens are so much happier, I'm researching how to blend flocks (Both on BYC And in books) and the silkies are starting to trust me
. Thank you lalaland!

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