A wild pokemon rp (Now Open!!! still accepting forms :)

Garnet scratched her chin. "We could use that as a sort of signalling system. Fire types gotta stick together, huh?"
"I'm Garnet," she said, a small puff of fire emanating from her tail. "You know, the gem nobody's ever heard of before." :p
Garnet raised an eyebrow. "I was only stating the general concensus, I'm sure there are people out there very knowledgable about gems."

She examined the wisps of smoke coming out from Llama's tail. "Suits you then."
Llama laughed
"Sorry, im competitive, and yeah, my parents named me that cause when I was born I mostly have wisps of smoke coming from my tail and the other spots I have fire" he tured around and saw the thick line of smoke coming from his tail "Yeah, well smoke helps start fires, and you'll know when it means, sometimes my tail kinda goes out and becomes all smoke" he said somewhat embarrassed
Garnet giggled a little. "Well there we go, we all have our weaknesses." She turned to show a small scar on her back. "I can get too reckless sometimes."

She cocked her head to one side. "What my parents always used to say to me, sometimes the fire on your tail might go out, but the one in your heart never will."

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