A wild pokemon rp (Now Open!!! still accepting forms :)

Garnet giggled a little. "Well there we go, we all have our weaknesses." She turned to show a small scar on her back. "I can get too reckless sometimes."
She cocked her head to one side. "What my parents always used to say to me, sometimes the fire on your tail might go out, but the one in your heart never will."

Llama smiled
"Nice saying"
Garnet turned to face Allura. "It's just a past time, that's all. I always try stay close to the volcano, so the flames aren't too out of place."
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"You two are just kids. You should be careful not to attract too much attention," Allura said. Kika walked up behind Allura.
"C'mon, Allie. They're just having fun!" Kika said, lighting a tree on fire with electricity.
Nix, :yuckyuck
Garnet flicked out a paw and bought in some firebugs.
"It attracts these, that's right..." She munched on a couple.
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"Yes, you are kids. Oh well, I guess the best way for you to learn is from your mistakes," Allura said, sighing.
"Exactly," Kika said. Allura leapt into the flames.

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