Abandoned and Sick Young Cockerel. Please Read<3!


8 Years
May 31, 2011
Today, my mom called me to tell me she found a Chicken wandering around alone across the street. No one around me has chickens, from what I can tell so it was a bit of a shock. So she caught him for me.

Well I drove home later and discovered my mom had found the sickest little boy I've seen in a long time, so immediately, I made sure he was quarantined and brought him to the avian vet.

They didn't know what was wrong with him, they think he has gapeworm, I know he had mites (I bathed him already), he has an eye swollen and shut and he has a respiratory sickness. He's very sick and he's been sick a while but he is alert and eating. He also is preening, and he's so young he still cheeps like a tiny chick. He's so pretty and friendly, giving up and culling him wasn't worth it.

I didn't know he was so sick from what my mom said, and I nearly died when I saw how bad he was (thinking of my healthy flock X_X) but now I have him, I might as well try.

Most people wouldn't pay what I did today for a stray bird and I understand that. But I couldn't help myself, so if you know what may have caused some of this I am about to post please offer your advice.

His good side.

His bad eye. I cleaned it a bit and managed to open it. It's all puss in there and it's solid stuff, the vets wouldn't take it out because he freaked out when they did it. He doesn't seem to mind me though. *shrugs*

Mom had to chase him to catch him. and he will stand up straight. But he had a very tiring and stressful day.

Do you think these bumps are from the mites? That's what I'm hoping… /=

Anyone have any of this before?

Besides my antibiotics and hot presses for his eye,


I would sincerely appreciate any posts. Please.
Thank you for replying!! Also~

yeah, I'm going to treat his eye, but I have a feeling it'll end up being removed.
And skin tags? That's interesting, I hope it's something nice and benign.
He's got enough going on.
I took my little cockerel to the vet, people thought I was crazy, but I couldn't cull him unless if I could try to help him, he was to sweet, the bill was crazy!
Anyways, I got this great spray you could buy at a feed store. I will get the name of it in the morning. You spray it on any wound a few times a day for a few days, it works great! I used it on my special needs pullet on her eye, it looks normal now. It also washes the dirt out of the hens eyes if it gets in them. It works on all animals for any wound. Like I said I will give you the name of it in the morning, it's 1:14 AM over here right now, I just stumbled across this post. Keep us updated on how he is doing.
Alrighty! Thank you! That's great about the spray, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this, haha.

It was an "emergency" visit because ether we're totally booked so… yeah… not cheap.
But he is so lovely, if he lives it's worth it.

He's snoozing in my bathroom in a cage right now. And I should go snooze too because it is also 1am here.
Well if it's totally dead, I don't want it getting reinfected. It depends on how the eye looks and how much it would be, but I've heard some nasty stories of some of the eyes coming out anyways. *shudders*

He's a littler chipper this morning, he doesn't like his medicine, but he's given me some happy peeps. He was standing up when I came to him in his cage, awake.
If I where you I would just bathed his eye with some warm water and soft cloth. Hold it on there like a compress a few times a day. I had a hen that had something just like this and I finally got the infection out but took about 2 weeks of bathing it and holding a compress on it several times a day. I also used an antibotic ointment on the eye - without pain relief in it - twice a day. I thought at first that the eye was gone but there are two layers to the eye and after the 2nd week I could see the eye and she was fine
I have no suggestions or ideas about the eye. All I could think of was that I'd be very concerned about your existing flock. Respiratory disease spreads so very, very easily. If he has something it can and will travel on the air, on your clothing, your skin and hair, your shoes, etc. etc. Your biosecurity and quarantine are going to have be really tight so that you don't take anything to your coop with you. Even then, it can simply be airborne. We've had to deal with respiratory disease here and it's not fun, it just seems like once it's in your coop you never really get rid of it.

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