Abandoned bird- chicken dumping is a thing apparently. Please help identifying!


Feb 22, 2016
So- random Rooster just kinda showed up the last week. We came home from Church, and there he was. Hanging out like he belonged. Since we don't currently have another roo, I guess he and the girls all figured the position was available. He seems friendly (for a roo), and hasn't shown any signs of aggression with me or kids. He follows my hen around dotingly, however hes a bit of a wanderer. He has made several treks to the neighbors flocks, and "traumatized" a few chickens before they have chased him off. He will not go into the coop at night with my girl, but sleeps up in the tree next to her coop instead. And he is actually a great flyer- he flew up to the roof top when our neighbors dog came over- even though the dog ignores the chickens it still freaked him out. I debated on trying to catch him in the coop with my hen, he usually follows her in there when she lays her egg, but wasn't sure how he would react to that and didn't want to trap him with my hen in case it made him aggressive towards her.
I don't have a lot of expertise in identifying chickens- but he strikes me as a game-y breed. He is very slender, and has more of an athletic build. He is roughly the same height as my full grown hen, which makes me think he is not fully grown- so its possible that he was run off from another flock by another roo- or he was dumped out here on our street.
Anyway, after trying to look around for some info online I think he most resembles the Gallo Kelso, but I could be wrong. Also, not a lot of info on this breed as far as temperament. Not sure if I will be able to keep him if he continues to wander and harass the neighbors girls- my girl seems to love him, others not so much.
Anyway he is a beauty, any help confirming identity would be greatly appreciated!

He's gorgeous! Yes, unfortunately dumping of roosters is a thing when people don't want to do the responsible thing when they can't find a home for a rooster they can't keep and put it down, and instead dump it to deal with the horrors of starvation or being eaten alive by a predator because somehow that's better. I'm glad he found you :)

He's very pretty. He has the beautiful welsummer-like coloring aside from that white tailfeather. Hopefully others more familiar with game breeds will be able to tell you what he is.
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Right now I only have one full grown hen- but I have 4 littles that are about 4 months old that I keep in a run until they are bigger
yeah she is a survivor! She has seen several friends come and go. She was one the orginal chicks we got from a local feed store 3 years ago. Since then we have taken in 4 others from people who couldn't keep them, and had different predators and a dog that got to my girls at different times. Since I let mine free range so much, I think having a rooster is a good idea anyway
He's an Old English Game bantam. They are usually fun little guys to have around.

I don't think he's a bantam. He looks too large in the pictures. A full grown OEGB male is tiny.

How big is he @mlee2569? Is he very small or about standard chicken size? If small this is a good guess.
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