About a dozen eggs that are 2 to 4 days developed


Apr 26, 2023
I have not had any luck at getting a hen broody. We had left these eggs in the egg box for a period of time and no hen has become broody. It is frustrating. So, it looks like they will need to go to the incubator on Tuesday the 26th. The first egg was laid on February 26th and the last egg was laid on March 9th.

Do you have any advice on how to get a hen broody sooner than that?

How can I store these eggs so they are still viable?

I have candled them and they all look like they are in a state of development since the hens have sat on them while laying the next egg. The development is from 2 days to 4 days.
You can't make a hen go broody, no amount of eggs or time will make a hen switch hormones. Though they may have received some incubation, they're not likely to hatch into healthy chicks with the type of incubation they've had. There's no way to store them, the need to be incubated or tossed

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