About cedar wood


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 18, 2009
Bend, OR.
I understand that hens are sensitive to cedar wood shavings. I can see why; when i've had to work with that type of wood (nailing shingles, putting up a fence..), I feel that it's tough on my respiratory system.
Well, the thing is this: I have a lot of leftover fence boards from a job I had to do, and I've been wanting to build a new coop (bigger, fancier
), and it would be awesome if i could use that cedar for the outer structure. I wouldn't use it for the floor, or the perches for them to roost; it would only be used for the walls of the coop, and doors, etc.

Any thoughts on this plan?

Cheers to all, and all your chickens!

my entire run and most of the coop is made with cedar. all of it was donated to me and is fence material. its fine use it. just make sure you use other wood for nest box's and roosts. i used pine 2x4's


my 4 girls love it!
Ditto ditto - our entire chickie facility is made of cedar fence stuff. The smell is only noticeable for the first week or so - after that it's just wood. No ill effects here.
Ditto X3 I basically built my entire coop out of cedar as well!

If there are any worries just paint the inside. I used douglas fir for the floor and nest box.

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