About to Run


May 4, 2020
We have 6 lovely leghorn ladies (still babies). How big of run space should we plan? We have purchased a coop about as opposed to building that ourselves. I would like to give them plenty of "leg" room. Is there a good amount of area to plan for? Would 12ft. by 15ft. be enough which is like the size of a living room? We have peregrines and other hawks so I know we have to provide aerial protection. And no, we didn't buy because of Covid. Spouse and I have discussed for years but never pulled the trigger. If you have photos, plans or other help, I'd really appreciate the advice.
12 x 15 is plenty big. I went bigger for my 7 but mainly because my husband is a true texas and thinks bigger is better. Depending where you live will depend on how to cover your run. Our main predators are cats and dogs so I covered the walls with hardware cloth and the top with chicken wire and bird netting. (Netting because sparrows were devouring my chicken food). Their coop on the other hand is very secure with only hardware cloth on the windows, heavy doors with bolts that can only open with a key. We also made ours 8ft tall. Even though mine are bigger birds they still do enjoy flying in there.

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