Abut to incubate for the first time in a homemade incubator....


6 Years
Apr 18, 2013
*fingers crossed* I built a cooler-incubator with my kids and it has been set up for 48 hours now, maintaining temperature nicely. :) Still have to get a hygrometer (I think thats what the humidity reader thingy is called...?) Eggs-cited to get the eggs from the two 24 hr auctions on here, and get them set. Been a very long time since I incubated and hatched eggs, so I'm praying it goes well! I've read lots of the excellent information in these forums, so hopefully I'm prepared! My kids are veeery excited and haven't stopped asking how many will hatch and can we keep all of them and tons of other questions.... Can't wait! :)
Just got the first set of shipped eggs, all in excellent condition. One had a tiny crack, but I sealed it and we will see how it does. They are settling now, and will go in the incubator later on. My kids and I are both so excited!
This set is the blue wheaton ameracauna and six lavendar orpingtons :) Hopeing I get the Heritage German New Hampshire's today as well, so I can set them all at about the same time. :) (And I am not allowed to buy any more chickens, eggs, or anything chicken related says DH... Seeing as I sprung two homemade incubators and 30+ eggs on him... somewhat understandable! LOL)

10 maybe more blue wheaton ameraucana eggs and 6 half English half Hinkjc lavender orpington eggs.I don't have pictures of my blue wheatons but they are Garner line hens over a Wayne Merridith roo.The eggs are a very pretty blue.I have a couple of pictures of my beautiful lavender orps.

ship on Monday or Tuesday depending on how fast payment is received.
shipping is $16 since they are so many eggs for Priority mail
paypal due at end of auction.

Bidding starts at $20
Last bid considered at noon Monday 6/17

Beautiful birds. I hope you get a decent hatch! Shipped eggs are always a bit tougher. My DH kind of just rolls with it. I have had my bators running since January. I am actually wanting a break so after these last loads hatch, BC marans and quail go into the hatcher later today, then there's still the Cochins, turkeys, and peacocks still cooking. This is my first try at peacocks! I really hope for a good hatch!

BTW your hubby said nothing CHICKEN related. Loophole! ;) quail aren't chickens... neither are ducks, turkeys, peacocks ...
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I'm hoping our eggs didn't just get screwed.... Power went out for about four hours and we don't have a generator. I kept an eye on the temp in the incubators but it dropped down to 92 degrees. They are back up to temp now, but were low for probably about two hours or more. Will that affect them? Or is it a "wait and see" kinda game? So far the temp in both homemade incubators has been between 99.4 and 102 (was told at first to set it a bit higher since its a homemade one, so had it set to 101/102 then read up some more and decided to bring it back down a bit). Humidity has been right at 50% since they were set in there. I'm seeing development in quite a few (poor flashlight, waiting for candler/ farm innovator incubator set to get here, hopeully friday) but quite a few I'm not seeing anything other than a dark spot or two. They are on day 13 or 14 I think, would have to go check the log, but I'm worried that some don't seem to be doing anything. I guess I have to wait til the candler gets here and see whats going on.
Also, just found out I'm going to be in the UK when the 12 SLWs I got from the 24 hour auction hatch out too.... *sigh* we were going on the 28th of this month, but they backed our plans up to the 23rd. Luckily I have a friend who knows more than I do who's going to take over things here while we are gone. :)
Lost 3 eggs, two cracked and on eggtopsy were only partially formed. Another had stuff oozing out and got stuck to the turner and when we tried to remove it it exploded. :( that one was more formed but all 3 had a smell. Praying the others hatch!
Tomorrow is day 21 for my EE/ GNH/ Lav. Orp eggs.... No pipping and can't see thru the shells (candler that came with the incubator is almost worse than a weak flashlight!) Can see darker spots in some, and some are mostly dark so I am still keeping my fingers crossed. The ones that quit were partially formed but looked sort of like blood colored jello with a few chick parts recognizable. :( very nervous and praying hard! I want my orps in particular to make it!
Fingers crossed that they hatch well. Remember 21 days isn't always the case, sometimes it takes a little longer, so don't panic if you don't see something right away.

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