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Jolee was trying to remember the license plate number, as she looked for a pen and paper. Seeing a dinner with a waitress taking an order. She ran over to her and grabbed the pad and pen. The waitress yelled, "Hey! What do you think your doing?!" Joleen wrote down the plate number. Then tore off the page, then threw it back at her. She had to find the police. They could track the plate.
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"That was my favorite page, I was saving it for a special occasion." The waitress replied angrily, Joleen looked down to see a plain piece of paper "Is finding my brother a special occasion enough?" The waitress's mood changed "No I guess it wasn't that important."
Jolee wrote down UGLYDCK and started toward the police department. But suddenly three figure grabbed her too and shoved her in a car.
The car drove down the road in a rough way, it was as if they were aiming for every bump, crack, and manhole they could.
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(Good catch, I messed up. :/ Thanks!)

Joleen froze in her attempt to catch her breath. They wanted all three! But why? After that the car started moving again. That's when rough hands grabbed Joleen and picked her up off the car floor. "Where did you think you were going, hiding on the floor like that?" She turned her head as foul breath drifted though the hood. He then threw she down hard on the seat again.
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(Naw the only reason I noticed was my teacher drilled stuff like that on me)
Joleen groaned in pain and panic. She dared not move in fear that they would attack her again.

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