Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

Thank you! I cut through the thread that was on duckling 4 (through the green stuff, not the red) and I think something is wrong with his navel/belly button. There's red sticking out. What do I do?
Thank you! I cut through the thread that was on duckling 4 (through the green stuff, not the red) and I think something is wrong with his navel/belly button. There's red sticking out. What do I do?

How big is the spot sticking out? If its small, like maybe the size of a pencil eraser, just be sure he isn't on anything rough that might hurt it. It will withdraw in a few days. I put a little Neosporin (without painkiller!) on it just a couple of times, but I'm not sure it was really necessary. If its a big spot, you might want to isolate him in a small bowl or something. Just be sure he can't burst it or hurt it. How does it look now?
I have not checked it yet. He's still in the incubator. The last egg is hatching now, he's not really far but I'll check out the spot as soon as the last one is out. I don't see anything now so I don't think it's big.

The incubator was opened a couple of times, I think the membrane of the last egg is dry.

I don't have neosporin and I don't think it's freely avaiable here.

This little duck is having a lot of trouble getting out. Should I help him?
I couldn't bear to watch him, so I helped him. The membrane (I think that's what it was) was really tough, so that may be why he had trouble. It was defiantly ready to come out. Poor thing, tho. I think it's head is cramped from the position it was in, cause it's having a little trouble keeping it up.
Awww, poor thing! Good you helped him. It looks like he didn't properly zipped (?). He probably needs to rest too, so that could be why he's not keeping it up.

My 6 ducklings are all out now and in the brooder. They're cuddling together it's so cute!

I cleaned the incubator and put Donsje's egg back, the humidity is lower so I hope it survives

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