added video, please help! Lethargic and hard time standing


7 Years
Apr 8, 2017
2 week old chick, all the sudden started acting Lethargic, seems hard time standing. Was thriving, running all over last night
this Am.
Gave her nutridrench, breathing seems a bit labored. What else can I do for her. She seems to get run over by the other two in with her

8/17 hatch date, no pasty, no issues til we just came home and saw her looking like she could hardly stand


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What's her poop like?

At that age, I'd consider treating for Coccidiosis.
You can find Corid at TSC in the cattle section.
Liquid Corid dose is 2tsp or Powdered Corid Dose is 1 1/2tsp per gallon of water given for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.
Do not add any extra vitamins/electrolytes that contain B1(Thiamine) to food or water during the course of treatment.

Make sure your brooder is not getting too warm for them. They only need one warm spot and enough space to be able to get into a cooler area.
Poop seems fine, she did have a little on her this am, after cleaning her, her vent is a little bloody and pulsating.

Will try the corrid, will it affect if she doesn’t need it?
We had bought 2 buff orp chicks for a broody hen, she rejected them, lost one at a week old. Bought 2 more from same place, same hatch day, all three were fine til yesterday afternoon.
And it’s only the one chick. Could the two new ones have brought her something that doesn’t affect them? Even tho they were from the same place and hatch?
What's her poop like?

At that age, I'd consider treating for Coccidiosis.
You can find Corid at TSC in the cattle section.
Liquid Corid dose is 2tsp or Powdered Corid Dose is 1 1/2tsp per gallon of water given for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.
Do not add any extra vitamins/electrolytes that contain B1(Thiamine) to food or water during the course of treatment.

Make sure your brooder is not getting too warm for them. They only need one warm spot and enough space to be able to get into a cooler area.
Poop seems fine, she did have a little on her this am, after cleaning her, her vent is a little bloody and pulsating.

Will try the corrid, will it affect if she doesn’t need it?
We had bought 2 buff orp chicks for a broody hen, she rejected them, lost one at a week old. Bought 2 more from same place, same hatch day, all three were fine til yesterday afternoon.
And it’s only the one chick. Could the two new ones have brought her something that doesn’t affect them? Even tho they were from the same place and hatch?
Is she eating o.k.?

Hard to know what's going on with her, can she actually get up and walk?

Poop looks o.k - no mucous, no loose stool, nothing like that?

Some of her actions look neurological, some look like Coccidiosis. Without a fecal float to rule out Coccidiosis, it's a toss of the coin really.
If it's neurological and leg issues then you want to give vitamin therapy (400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex). If it's Coccidiosis, then Corid but no B-Complex until you're done with treatment.
She’s eating ok, drinking when she can. Working on the vitamins, seems a little better after B, getting Vitamin e today, local store out of corid, shipping it in.
Separated her from the other two to check her poop to make sure. Don’t want to totally separate her, as they comfort her

Is she eating o.k.?

Hard to know what's going on with her, can she actually get up and walk?

Poop looks o.k - no mucous, no loose stool, nothing like that?

Some of her actions look neurological, some look like Coccidiosis. Without a fecal float to rule out Coccidiosis, it's a toss of the coin really.
If it's neurological and leg issues then you want to give vitamin therapy (400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex). If it's Coccidiosis, then Corid but no B-Complex until you're done with treatment.
She’s eating ok, drinking when she can. Working on the vitamins, seems a little better after B, getting Vitamin e today, local store out of corid, shipping it in.
Separated her from the other two to check her poop to make sure. Don’t want to totally separate her, as they comfort her
I agree, I'd treat her while she's with the others if possible, they do better when they have their friends with them.
My chick isn't standing at all anymore, she's about 5 weeks now was fine yesterday. Now she's like this and I don't know what to do? Please help

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