Adding New Chickens

If we lived closer we would. We live up near St. Albans. She's a buff brahma. Maybe we'll wait it out for herr to be broody. I tried to find your VT thread to follow I couldn't find it. If you know of anyone that has eggs let me know! We'll definitely be interested once the time comes! How often do they become broody? I know around August she was.
Unfortunately VT doesn't really have a thread, but this thread is good and is where I and a couple other Vermonters hang out: We really face just about the same issues with chickens as do the people in that area of NY so it's fun to chat :)

Buff brahmas are a very broody breed of chicken. Have you considered lighting the coop? People do it to make their birds lay BUT since going broody is also a hormonal thing and is triggered partially by longer days, adding a light might help keep her in the mindset for it. It also can depend on individual hens. Some just never stop going broody, while others rarely do it. Being a brahma though she's much more prone to broodiness.

This might also help if this is your first time using a broody to hatch:
Hello, I am in the Rutland/ West Rutland area too! Do you guys still have the chicken meetings? I would love to attend!
Great post. Good information on deseases and care! I have five week old pullets and have need scratching my head on a good time to introduce them to the full grown hens and larger coop. I was thinking 3-4 months old, what do you think VA chicken friends?

Thank you for posting!

Good luck!

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