Adopt and Egg....... Shipped egg Hatch-a-long 2023

Out of the 3 I lost, 2 were blue/green, and one blue one hasn’t popped yet. Gotta end this bad luck with the blue eggs. I did have one blue egg hatch. Waiting on the othet 3.
Yes we do!!! I already lost 1. I have zero luck getting colored eggs in my flock! Lol. Put a teal eggs from my EE under my broody... Yup was a clear....
It’s ok. If you have another egg, I’ll take it. If not, I will cheer for you anyway!
I don't have more but you still have #1 from my eggs which I think is from Martini, the one that passed away last weekend. And that one is still going strong..... I am a bit nervous though since the egg is a bit small, but baby looks good!!!!
lockdown tomorrow. hoping when I candle I don't find anymore quitters. this has been one of my worst hatches since I found my good seller. :( And no don't blame her at all or the PO think 1 breed had just started up laying again so thinking the roo hadn't gotten his job done yet so those eggs weren't fertilized that was 4 eggs. then not sure on the single egg of 1 breed but that hen stopped laying/ went on break shortly after I got the egg so maybe she was gearing up to stop so again wasn't accepting the roo so not fertilized. Then the random not fertilized and so far 2 quitters. :(

got 18 eggs and down to 9 from my shipped eggs. Which is still good for shipped but that technically isn't even my "hatching %" since you don't count ones not fertilized. So 11 were fertilized now to see how many hatch.

1.- Black Golden Blue Brahma farmgirl283420 yes
2.- Black Golden Blue Brahma -- Chicken Poppy yes
3. - Black Golden Blue Brahma yes backyard Divas
4. - Lavender Brahma chickengirl2671 yes
6. - Lavender Brahma yes -- Mochalatte
11. - Lavender Brahma -- notasilkie Yes
14. - BYM (blue egg) Yes -- farmgirl283420
15. - Black Golden Blue Brahma -- Ilovemychicks08 Yes
16. - EE (greenish egg) Yes-- David Reaves
17- mystery blue egg--- Quitter
18. - Mystery Blue egg -- Quitter

My eggs
1 - yes--- iluveggers
2 - yes. --- farmgirl283420
3 - yes -- ilovemychicks08
4 - yes --- notasilkie
6 - yes --- chickengirl2671
7 - yes --- mochalatte

@Chicken poppy, @MochaLatte , @notasilkie , @Ilovemychicks08 , @Iluveggers @Farmgirl283420 @Chickengirl2671 @DavidReaves @Backyard Divas
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lockdown tomorrow. hoping when I candle I don't find anymore quitters. this has been one of my worst hatches since I found my good seller. :( And no don't blame her at all or the PO think 1 breed had just started up laying again so thinking the roo hadn't gotten his job done yet so those eggs weren't fertilized that was 4 eggs. then not sure on the single egg of 1 breed but that hen stopped laying/ went on break shortly after I got the egg so maybe she was gearing up to stop so again wasn't accepting the roo so not fertilized. Then the random not fertilized and so far 2 quitters. :(

got 18 eggs and down to 9 from my shipped eggs. Which is still good for shipped but that technically isn't even my "hatching %" since you don't count ones not fertilized. So 11 were fertilized now to see how many hatch.

1.- Black Golden Blue Brahma farmgirl283420
2.- Black Golden Blue Brahma -- Chicken Poppy yes
3. - Black Golden Blue Brahma yes backyard Divas
4. - Lavender Brahma chickengirl2671 yes
6. - Lavender Brahma yes -- Mochalatte
11. - Lavender Brahma -- notasilkie Yes
14. - BYM (blue egg) Yes -- farmgirl283420
15. - Black Golden Blue Brahma -- Ilovemychicks08 Yes
16. - EE (greenish egg) Yes-- David Reaves
17- mystery blue egg--- Quitter
18. - Mystery Blue egg -- Quitter

My eggs
1 - yes--- iluveggers
2 - yes. --- farmgirl283420
3 - yes -- ilovemychicks08
4 - yes --- notasilkie
6 - yes --- chickengirl2671
7 - yes --- mochalatte

@Chicken poppy, @MochaLatte , @notasilkie , @Ilovemychicks08 , @Iluveggers @Farmgirl283420 @Chickengirl2671 @DavidReaves @Backyard Divas
Im sorry about all the quitter. I hope the others hang in and hatch!
Im sorry about all the quitter. I hope the others hang in and hatch!
Thanks. It sounds worse than it is since I only had 2 quitters. The rest were clears.

But on a good note last year I struggled hatching anything from my girls. I figured fluffy butts were making fertilizing eggs hard then after I trimmed my roo and the main girl I wanted to hatch from she ended up going broody so never really saw if that resolved it. But this year I have 2 roo's and I am guessing it is mainly my younger one doing the job but out of 7 of my own eggs I put in 5 were fertilized....... Now the problem is a lot of the older girls don't like the younger roo. hahaaa. Not sure if my older roo is just fluffier, dumb or just doesn't know how to do it. HAAHAA! but hopefully he has it figured out this year.

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