Adopt and Egg....... Shipped egg Hatch-a-long 2023

1.- Black Golden Blue Brahma iluveggers PIPPED
2.- Black Golden Blue Brahma -- Chicken Poppy yes PIPPED
3. - Black Golden Blue Brahma yes backyard Divas
4. - Lavender Brahma chickengirl2671 yes
6. - Lavender Brahma yes -- Mochalatte
11. - Lavender Brahma -- notasilkie Yes PIPPED
14. - BYM (blue egg) Yes -- farmgirl283420
15. - Black Golden Blue Brahma -- Ilovemychicks08 Yes PIPPED
16. - EE (greenish egg) Yes-- David Reaves -- Hatched 3/16 dark chick brown face

My eggs
1 - yes--- iluveggers -- HATCHED 3/17
2 - yes. --- farmgirl283420 --- Hatched 3/17 (assist)
3 - yes -- ilovemychicks08 --- HATCHED 3/17
4 - yes --- notasilkie --- HATCHED 3/17
6 - yes --- chickengirl2671 -- HATCHED 3/17
7 - yes --- mochalatte HATCHED 3/16 LUCKY

@Chicken poppy, @MochaLatte , @notasilkie , @Ilovemychicks08 , @Iluveggers @Farmgirl283420 @Chickengirl2671 @DavidReaves @Backyard Divas
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Here is (all my eggs). #4, #3 and #6....... #1 and 2 still just have little pips


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#7 from my eggs hatched a few min ago

#2,3 and 4 from my eggs are pipped and #16 from shipped.
Yay! My egg has pipped!

I was thinking about naming her Fancy, but then liked it for my chicken I hadn't named yet. Maybe both of them can have that name or I can use Fannie for#3. Assuming pullet.
Yay! My egg has pipped!

I was thinking about naming her Fancy, but then liked it for my chicken I hadn't named yet. Maybe both of them can have that name or I can use Fannie for#3. Assuming pullet.
yours hadn't yet (it was my egg #2. you have shipped egg #2) but it is pipped now. :)

I think both are great!

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