ADOR1 Automatic Coop Door?

I saw someone said that the battery lasts three years? Is anyone able to confirm this or tell me how long it really lasts? Thanks. Need one. Badly.

Went ahead and ordered it. I travel a lot and hate to have my animal sitters have to worry about locking up every night. This should solve this problem. I will let everyone know what I think once it comes in. I would still like an answer to the battery question though.
Here's mine installed and so far I like it a lot!
Well, I'd rather make such inside information announcements myself if I choose to. ...and have to say some numbers stated are not necessarily so accurate. Consider them "heresay". But we do now have regular scheduled delivery of motors coming in and have things staged to catch up as the shipments arrive. Also, rest assured we will continue to work overtime until caught up. Thank you to all who are patiently waiting.
I apologize Rod. I didn't mean that to be disparaging. I so love the concept of the door that I ordered it regardless of how long it may take. After all, it isn't your fault that suppliers can not keep up with your demand. Congratulations to you for having such a great product that the demand is so great.
Hi all,

New to this forum and to chickens really. Have a really nice coop built and was looking for a nice auto door for it. I came across this thread last night and ordered a Ador1 this morning! Will let you all know when it arrives and will post pictures of the install. Thanks to all of you for the information about this new door. I can't wait to see it in action, No more early mornings for me. Have a great day everyone!
I apologize Rod. I didn't mean that to be disparaging. I so love the concept of the door that I ordered it regardless of how long it may take. After all, it isn't your fault that suppliers can not keep up with your demand. Congratulations to you for having such a great product that the demand is so great.
Wow. Chicken owners are such sweet people! No need to apologize. The burden is on us to live up to expectations and we put a lot of effort into doing that, and we know we can't do it all -- but we can keep trying to do better. Just have to give us a little time sometimes. Thanks kindly Milola.
I saw someone said that the battery lasts three years? Is anyone able to confirm this or tell me how long it really lasts? Thanks. Need one. Badly.
There's nobody out there with three years on the battery -- three years ago the ADOR was still a twinkle in my eye. Here in my lab, on one $2.88 6V battery I've run it for >4000 cycles which implies > 10years however that only took a little more than 2 days, running a special test of continuous up/down cycles. So the missing factor is that the electronics draws about 60 millionths of an amp and that adds up over long periods of time. OK...too much information, right? Bottom line is the electronics takes as much energy out of the battery in one day as the motor does for a complete cycle. Therefore, divide 10 years by two and that's 5 years. But I'm not going to claim 5 years because a carbon zinc battery sitting collecting dust on the shelf probably loses more than half its capacity. I feel good saying 3 years. But I tell people to replace the battery every year and put the used one in your flashlight -- you'll see it is still nearly new! ...and you'll have a fresh battery in your ADOR.

A few other points: 1) the ADOR beeps when it detects low battery, even when there's lots of life left; 2) the external alarm option will signal to you if the battery is low; 3) if you use accessories that are powered off the ADOR then you need to factor in the extra draw from the battery for accessories.
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There's nobody out there with three years on the battery -- three years ago the ADOR was still a twinkle in my eye. However you might checkout where there's more info on that. Here in my lab, on one $2.88 6V battery I've run it for >4000 cycles which implies > 10years however that only took a little more than 2 days, running a special test of continuous up/down cycles. So the missing factor is that the electronics draws about 60 millionths of an amp and that adds up over long periods of time. OK...too much information, right? Bottom line is the electronics takes as much energy out of the battery in one day as the motor does for a complete cycle. Therefore, divide 10 years by two and that's 5 years. But I'm not going to claim 5 years because a carbon zinc battery sitting collecting dust on the shelf probably loses more than half its capacity. I feel good saying 3 years. But I tell people to replace the battery every year and put the used one in your flashlight -- you'll see it is still nearly new! ...and you'll have a fresh battery in your ADOR.

A few other points: 1) the ADOR beeps when it detects low battery, even when there's lots of life left; 2) the external alarm option will signal to you if the battery is low; 3) if you use accessories that are powered off the ADOR then you need to factor in the extra draw from the battery for accessories.

Not too much information at all....I happen to be an EE so that all makes sense to me. I agree, given that you don't know how long the battery was on the shelf and the dynamics of the environment (dust, humidity, a wild chicken feather
) best to just replace it every year and use the old one in your flashlight. As long as it lasts at least a year, I'm good. Right now I'm fighting with a game camera that babysits my coop at night and the batteries last about 2 days...not good. Thanks for the info. I'm really looking forward to my ADOR1!

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