Adult plumage in trout runners


Jul 21, 2015
Stirling, Scotland
Hi everyone.

At what age do runner ducks show their true adult plumage? I hatched my first mixed batch in July and was really excited thinking I had 3 trout ducks amongst all the other black runners. But they are 8 weeks old tomorrow and only 1 of the 3 is quacking. I then read somewhere that they will moult at 10-14 weeks and could change colour. So are my 2 non-quakers likely to moult and be drakes?

Any thoughts and experience on this would be appreciated, thanks
Very likely that the 'non quackers' are drakes. They will molt this autumn and their nuptial plumage will tell the tale.
Agreed, those who are not yet quacking are most likely drakes at this point. And yes, they will all moult into their true adult plumage at around 2 months old.
Thank you all for replying and confirming my suspicions. That means I have 3 drakes and 1 duck! Now I need to decide which drake to keep and get some more ducks.

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