Advice for overwhelmed soon to be chicken owner!

I just wanted to let you know that I have a prefab coop and have never had a predator get in. If you’re planning to free range your flock during the day then I would not be too concerned with it. What my husband and I did was got a large prefab, I think the same dimensions as yours, then built a fence a generous radius around the coop so they can semi-free range. When we are in the yard we open the gates and they get to run free for reals. I live in a mountainous area that has everything from opossum to foxes, bobcats to mountain lions, the occasional lost dog and even bears. Nothing has penetrated our prefab. To secure the run I put this hard plastic chicken wire on the bottom of it, secured by staples. Then I lined the sides with cinder blocks for added security which double as planters for chicken friendly herbs.

I say do your thing girl and just use common sense 😊 Polish chickens are so fun by the way, I only have one and she is the sweetest.
Just remember..chicken wire is to keep chickens IN and is not strong enuf to keep predators OUT. Should be hardware cloth…very strong wire…1/2 “
I’m getting 4 polish hens from a breeder in March. They will be 3 weeks old at the time I have them shipped. I’m thinking of using a large hamster cage as a brooder for them until they out grow it and then what do I use? I’d like to keep them in the house extra long because I heard that especially with polish chickens they can be sensitive to coccidiosis and a good preventative is keeping them inside longer to build their immune systems? So I need to figure out what to keep them in other than just my bathroom chicken proofed😅

Also does anyone have a shopping list? I feel like I need so much stuff yet don’t really know what. I’m getting a prefab coop to start. It’s got an attached run and should be plenty is space for 4 birds until we’re comfortable letting them free range in our yard while we’re outside.

If anyone has any advice at all I’ll take it! I’m definitely not new to owning animals or even expiring animals at that but chickens are a whole new area I’m not used to at all!
We have had great success with an extra-large tall plastic tote. We cut out the center of the lid and attached hardware cloth and wood pieces for extra durability and strength. We start using the lid when they get big enough to start jumping and testing out their growing wings. If you keep them in the house, plan for extra dust and little feathers to clean up around your brooder.
I’m getting 4 polish hens from a breeder in March. They will be 3 weeks old at the time I have them shipped. I’m thinking of using a large hamster cage as a brooder for them until they out grow it and then what do I use? I’d like to keep them in the house extra long because I heard that especially with polish chickens they can be sensitive to coccidiosis and a good preventative is keeping them inside longer to build their immune systems? So I need to figure out what to keep them in other than just my bathroom chicken proofed😅

Also does anyone have a shopping list? I feel like I need so much stuff yet don’t really know what. I’m getting a prefab coop to start. It’s got an attached run and should be plenty is space for 4 birds until we’re comfortable letting them free range in our yard while we’re outside.

If anyone has any advice at all I’ll take it! I’m definitely not new to owning animals or even expiring animals at that but chickens are a whole new area I’m not used to at all!
I keep mine in a dog cage. So that will work. You need a heat lamp, chic feed the kind with an antibiotic in is best, bedding (we use pine chips), food and water dispensers.
I’m getting 4 polish hens from a breeder in March. They will be 3 weeks old at the time I have them shipped. I’m thinking of using a large hamster cage as a brooder for them until they out grow it and then what do I use? I’d like to keep them in the house extra long because I heard that especially with polish chickens they can be sensitive to coccidiosis and a good preventative is keeping them inside longer to build their immune systems? So I need to figure out what to keep them in other than just my bathroom chicken proofed😅

Also does anyone have a shopping list? I feel like I need so much stuff yet don’t really know what. I’m getting a prefab coop to start. It’s got an attached run and should be plenty is space for 4 birds until we’re comfortable letting them free range in our yard while we’re outside.

If anyone has any advice at all I’ll take it! I’m definitely not new to owning animals or even expiring animals at that but chickens are a whole new area I’m not used to at all!
I think a hamster cage may be too small - 3 week old hens are not small even though Polish is not a large breed, kind of in between bantam and full size. Just keep them inside and out of drafts - they will still need warmth at 3 weeks although they will have some adult feathering. You won’t want them inside for long - chickens create a LOT of dust and smells (!) and I’m not sure about the coccidiosis risk - I have never heard that being inside helps the immune system - they just can’t be outside with no heat until they are fully feathered. Also depends on where you live. I kept chicks in a box for two weeks, then in a bigger box for two weeks then booted them out! I’m in California and the temps never go below 30 here and that’s rare - right now the night temps are in the 40s. Good luck - you are about to embark on a wonderful hobby.
In my opinion a hamster cage isn't even big enough for day old chicks. They need to have a hot side and a cool side so they can regulate their body temperature. A very large sterilite tote is popular with a lot of people. I use a large 40 gallon breeder aquarium with a screen lid until they outgrow it (which they do very fast). Then I moved them out to a 4x4 dog kennel with momma hen heat plate.

Do you have a link to the prefab you are looking at. They're usually a bit of a waste of money but might work temporarily...
I’m getting 4 polish hens from a breeder in March. They will be 3 weeks old at the time I have them shipped. I’m thinking of using a large hamster cage as a brooder for them until they out grow it and then what do I use? I’d like to keep them in the house extra long because I heard that especially with polish chickens they can be sensitive to coccidiosis and a good preventative is keeping them inside longer to build their immune systems? So I need to figure out what to keep them in other than just my bathroom chicken proofed😅

Also does anyone have a shopping list? I feel like I need so much stuff yet don’t really know what. I’m getting a prefab coop to start. It’s got an attached run and should be plenty is space for 4 birds until we’re comfortable letting them free range in our yard while we’re outside.

If anyone has any advice at all I’ll take it! I’m definitely not new to owning animals or even expiring animals at that but chickens are a whole new area I’m not used to at all!
They will probably almost outgrow it by the time you get them. Baby chicks grow so much faster than you think they will. I was super amazed last year when I got my first chicks.
I’m getting 4 polish hens from a breeder in March. They will be 3 weeks old at the time I have them shipped. I’m thinking of using a large hamster cage as a brooder for them until they out grow it and then what do I use? I’d like to keep them in the house extra long because I heard that especially with polish chickens they can be sensitive to coccidiosis and a good preventative is keeping them inside longer to build their immune systems? So I need to figure out what to keep them in other than just my bathroom chicken proofed😅

Also does anyone have a shopping list? I feel like I need so much stuff yet don’t really know what. I’m getting a prefab coop to start. It’s got an attached run and should be plenty is space for 4 birds until we’re comfortable letting them free range in our yard while we’re outside.

If anyone has any advice at all I’ll take it! I’m definitely not new to owning animals or even expiring animals at that but chickens are a whole new area I’m not used to at all!
A tote works best for me
Any suggestions where to get a coop if I can’t build one??
We put our prefab coop inside a large dog kennel which had been prepared both above and below ground to prevent predator invasion. This worked extremely well for us. We winterized it by building a rain/snow cover for it with clear panels on the roof. Sun shines through and snow slides off the smooth surface at 35 degrees. We also used the same panels for a windbreak the 2 sides that get the worst wind. These can be removed when the weather turns nice. There is a 2 ft wide garden which is fenced in summer to prevent the chickens from getting in, running around the perimeter. They free range after 3 PM. We have had no predators.

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