Advice for raising baby chicks?


Free Ranging
Feb 10, 2021
Kalamazoo, MI
I just recently got 5 ducklings who are all a little over 3 weeks old. I decided I was gonna get some chicks from tsc as well. I know I want to get at least 2 silkies but anyone have any good recommendations for good egg layers? Also what are some good feed to start them on. Last time I had chicks/ens I was a little kid.
Silkies can be a little difficult, make sure to do some reading on them prior : D I've always adored some of the common ones, plymouth rock, orpington, rhode island, but despite being quite big I adored my Welsummer, Cochins have always been my favorite, and you really can't beat an Easter Egger!! : D
Most feedstores will have "chick starter" this is what you'll feed them until they're older. Make sure to have a seperate brooder set up for the chickens vs ducks, just in case (seems like a big age difference) and have heat lamps at a good height (many threads on this! Raise it if they're hot, lower if they're cold) and make sure both always have clean water! Good luck!
Would I be able to house them together or would they need to be in different coops?
Most likely different coops, some people have had success with housing ducks and chickens together, others have had ducks kill chickens or vice versa. I personally just don't want to take risks like that (I guess maybe I'm a little paranoid) so for the most part I try to keep different species seperate just in case : D
I'll probably just house them separately. You think it'd be safe if I let them free range together once they are older

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