Advice needed for a brooding duck

Quick question- Is lockdown for duck eggs day 18 or like 22? I was getting restless waiting for them to hatch and I started watching YouTube vids..but they all stated that their duck eggs were hatching on days 24 through about 28. I'm panicking now because I thought I was supposed to lock them down on day 18. Did I lock them down too early?? @WVduckchick
Quick question- Is lockdown for duck eggs day 18 or like 22? I was getting restless waiting for them to hatch and I started watching YouTube vids..but they all stated that their duck eggs were hatching on days 24 through about 28. I'm panicking now because I thought I was supposed to lock them down on day 18. Did I lock them down too early?? @WVduckchick

Oh I didn't bother to calculate your days, sorry! What day are they on now? Your breeds are generally day 28 hatchers. Its a general guideline, so that's why you see 24 through 28, but 24 would be very early. How did they look at last candle? I usually wait for them to almost completely fill the egg (darkness throughout, other than the air cell) or when they start pushing on the internal membrane, then bump the humidity up. That's usually around day 25ish.
Today is day 20. When I candled them, they didn't fill up the egg with the exception of the air sac. They were on point for day 18, along with the air sac. I could see limbs moving, and even toes at one point.
Sounds good. I'm sure a bit of high humidity won't hurt anything, but it probably is a bit early to maintain it that high, so I'm glad you were able to drop it back down.
That's the worst thing about hatching ducks.... they are so much slower than chicks! :p
UPDATE: the air sac on one (top right) has dropped significantly...not so much for the other 3. Lockdown is tomorrow. I'll candle them again in case tonight is when their's decide to drop. Should I be concerned if their's don't drop?


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UPDATE: the air sac on one (top right) has dropped significantly...not so much for the other 3. Lockdown is tomorrow. I'll candle them again in case tonight is when their's decide to drop. Should I be concerned if their's don't drop?

They draw down around 2-3 days before hatch, so they will likely follow soon. The one that drew down first will likely be your first external pip also. :D

Look for internal pips tomorrow too. May not happen yet, but it’s nice to know if any have done so.
Good luck, keep us posted.

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