Advice needed on Guinea Fowl and chickens raised together


14 Years
May 6, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, EB
I need advice as I would like to raise both guinea fowl and chickens together if possible. Also, is there a guinea fowl breed that is calmer than others. Does anyone know about Lavender, black spotted guinea fowl?
I understand they are quite noisy and am wondering if they help keep predator away from the yard.
Mine have all been raised together. The guineas can get bossy. Since they all free range across the farm, it hasnt been an issue. They seem to all get along fine. When locked up during the winter, I dont have any problems either.
My guineas have been raised with the chickens. Some nights they sleep with the turkeys in their pen or some nights they choose to sleep with the chickens in the coop. There are also some nights they choose the trees and I can't get them to come down. Of course, sleeping in trees invites the owls to get them. They will sound an alarm for snakes, new people arriving at your house or a strange animal but they can do nothing to keep them away...outside of eating the small snakes and surrounding the big ones and harrassing them till they leave. All are noisy. If I hear them at night I usually get a flashlight and go outside and have a look around. I love having the guineas but then, I am not close to neighbors
My DH hates when they go in the trees! He goes out and gets his flashlight and ladder and gets them down! They are noisy!! But they sure are neat, and you can let them in the garden because they don't tear it up like the chickens do!
My DH hates when they go in the trees! He goes out and gets his flashlight and ladder and gets them down!

Wow, We could never go that high to get ours down

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