advice needed please

She may just be getting ready for mating season and stopped to store up on calcium and proteins. I don't know that's odd, has she gone broody? that would make her stop laying. She may be running low on calcium, try giving her oyster supplements you can just buy them from tractor supply or a similar store in the chicken section. I'm not sure though you may want to take her to the vet to make sure nothings wrong, this doesn't seem that bad but better safe then sorry.
She may just be getting ready for mating season and stopped to store up on calcium and proteins. I don't know that's odd, has she gone broody? that would make her stop laying. She may be running low on calcium, try giving her oyster supplements you can just buy them from tractor supply or a similar store in the chicken section. I'm not sure though you may want to take her to the vet to make sure nothings wrong, this doesn't seem that bad but better safe then sorry.

Thank you I will go to tractor supply tomorrow and get some. She's not acting like any things wrong. But if that don't help I will take her to vet. Thank you again
No problem. It's just odd to me she would stop right before spring, usually they stop in the winter and start when it's time to have babies. I don't think it's serious so I wouldn't worry too much, mallards are tough.
Thanks I worry about her. During the summer my drake had hurt her.she seemed broke down in the back. She's better now but she just seems so fragile they have been together from day one and he's always takes care of her. And her him. Its so cute . can't help but live them
No problem. It's just odd to me she would stop right before spring, usually they stop in the winter and start when it's time to have babies. I don't think it's serious so I wouldn't worry too much, mallards are tough.

Would her molting have anything to do with her not laying eggs! She has been molting about 2 weeks now?
That may be it. That goes hand in hand with mating season coming up, she's molting to look healthier abd blend in with the nest better. She also uses those feathers for her nest. She may start back up when the season starts.
[/IMG] my babies
waiting on daddy to give them a worm. So sweet

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