Advise on caring for ducklings


In the Brooder
May 26, 2016
I'm thinking of getting a couple of ducklings but I've never raised ducks before. Can someone give me some advise on caring and feeding also can a duck be raised in the same pen with chickens when they are older ?
Yes you can keep them with chicken , keeping ducks is almost the same as chickens expect they need a tub or pond and a little bit louder (depend on breed) and eat more and alot cuter
I'm thinking of getting a couple of ducklings but I've never raised ducks before. Can someone give me some advise on caring and feeding also can a duck be raised in the same pen with chickens when they are older ?

From what I have read, it depends on the ducks and the chickens. Drakes (males) can be a danger to chickens if they try to mate with them.

If they are all females, it could work out better.

@Miss Lydia
Here is a like with great advise

As for keeping ducks and chickens in the same pen that will determine on what breed of chicken you have[some chickens can be very aggressive towards ducks]I have a couple BA's that will chase and scare my ducks, and if you have a drake. as Amiga said Drakes can try and will mate with chicken hen if they don't have enough female ducks to keep them happy [rec. 3-4 female ducks to every drake] So I would not rec getting ducks unless you can keep them in separate pen or only get females. I have chickens and ducks and drake but my drake has plenty of ducks and has never shown any interest in mating with a hen. They free range in a large fenced property too. But at night they all have their own sleeping quarters.

@tataunt Welcome to BYC.

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