After Brain Surgery - Hubby is going back to work... Update pg. 23

Praying for your Dh and you..
God Bless
Prayers for your husband's recovery - strength and patience for all involved

Make sure you're taking care of yourself as well - And as many have mentioned, one step at a time.
I have faith that he will be good as new in no time
In the mean time, go hug a chicken, it'll do you good!
Hi all,

He had a really bad night Wednesday night... ended up being moved from EMU back to the CCU. He was unresponsive and needed closer monitoring than he would get in the EMU. I stayed with him, which is against the rules of the hospital, but I was NOT leaving.

As of this morning, he was doing GREAT. It seems he had some minor swelling on the brain. They gave him some meds to pull the water from his brain, steroids for the swelling, and he is only taking Tylenol for the pain. He is now back in the EMU, they are monitoring his seizures, had his catheter (folley) taken out, is eating on his own, and is a bit cranky. The first time they got him up to use the bathroom he was cranky about his tushy hanging out of the gown. He demanded his underwears. LOL

This was supposed to be the easy part of this surgery... I can't imagin what the 2nd surgery is gonna be like.

Good to hear hes doing better now!!!

Whens the next surgery??
It takes a brave person to do whats hes doing... i dont think i could.
No wonder he would be cranky without his underwears!
Being cranky is a good thing, it would be his determination to stay alive is what lighting his brain LOL!

I hope he will recover quickly after the second surgery...when will that be?
CRANKY IS GOOD ............ It means they are well enough to be upset w/ the situation. Just don't take it personally ! So glad to hear from you, I knew ,from experience, when family doesn't talk... things are bad. Give him a hug from all of us... and yourself as well.

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