After Brain Surgery - Hubby is going back to work... Update pg. 23

I have actually just read this, wanting to stay away from bad news for personal reasons. I am so happy to hear he is doing better!!!!! I may be far away, but if you need anything let me know!!!
Tons and tons of positiv thoughts for your sweetheart and a lot of power for you.
Hi all...

He is doing even better today than he was yesterday...

Yesterday they asked him who the president was... I think he had a major head blip... as he said - Bin Laudin...
Today he got the name right.

Now they will begin to lessen his seizure meds and hope for seizures. I know that sounds weird, but that is what this is all about right now. Once they have a strong visual confirmation of where the seizures are originating, they can decide if they feel they can go in an removed the damage. Then we start all over again.

I am so thankful for all the support I have received on BYC... you have no idea.

I will continue to keep everyone informed... I just want this all to be over and to get our lives back to normal. I don't see that happening for some time.

I came home last night, spent time with the kids, got a good night's sleep, spent some time with my girls (chickens) this morning and am about to throw myself into the shower and drive the the hour back to the hospital. Can't wait to see him.

Thanks again so much.


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