After ten years, I finally have chicks. But I have a prissy one. What to do?


10 Years
Mar 24, 2012
So after 10 years of being a member, I finally have chicks! I bought them saturday from a local poultry farm. They were 2 weeks old when I purchased them, aging up on Tuesday so they should be 3 weeks old now. I have a lavender orp, a plymouth barred rock, and a silkie (for my daughter).

One of them, the lavender orpington AKA Ethel is prissy thing and I would like advice and uplifting stories.

There is always something up with her. She isn't as active as the other two and sleeps a large amount which has me concerned. So about three to four times a day, I use a medicine dropper to give her some sav-a-chick electrolytes. Today, I'm trying it just in the waterer and then when I change the water tonight, i'll go back to regular water. I change the water twice a day in the brooder.
I bought the feed that is specially milled for the farm I got her from and they have OGS mixed in due through their partnership. So nothing has changed for as far as feed is concerned. The farm also vaccinates them for mareks and are treated against coccidia.

This special treatment has seemed to help her but she is still a very sleepy thing. This morning, I woke up and she has dried blood on her wing. I got paper towels soaked in warm water and carefully picked that off. There doesn't seem to be any visible cause and the other two chicks don't peck her. On the contrary, when they're done running around and tired, they'll find her and sleep all tucked together.

She has no pasty butt and thankfully her bowels do seem to be in working order. We switch between two brooder lights to maintain a temp of about 90 degrees directly under the light. One light is weaker and we use it for the daytime when our house is warmer and is also a white light and the other red one we use at night since its quite strong and we are cold sleepers in our house.

Is there anything else I can do for her? Have you had uppity chicks that need more care making it into adulthood fine?
You're treating this lagging chick just fine. You could introduce more protein into their diet a few times a week to further boost the chick, and feeding them all will encourage the small one to eat, also.

If these chicks are three weeks old, they no longer require heat during the day, especially since they are indoors in a warm room. A little heat at night to create a warm spot around 75F is all that is needed, and then you can remove all heat at age five weeks.

Understand that as they grow in real feathers it insulates them from losing body heat. Ninety degrees is uncomfortably warm when you're wearing a down jacket.
What's the protein percentage in the feed you use for the chicks?

It's important to maintain a high protein diet for the chick's physical development.
I don't know. Its a starter feed milled for the farm, doesn't have a label on it I don't think.

You're treating this lagging chick just fine. You could introduce more protein into their diet a few times a week to further boost the chick, and feeding them all will encourage the small one to eat, also.

If these chicks are three weeks old, they no longer require heat during the day, especially since they are indoors in a warm room. A little heat at night to create a warm spot around 75F is all that is needed, and then you can remove all heat at age five weeks.

Understand that as they grow in real feathers it insulates them from losing body heat. Ninety degrees is uncomfortably warm when you're wearing a down jacket.
Thanks, I'll raise the lamp up for them.

Scrambled egg is a good perk-me-up
Thanks I will make some up for them when I make the kids breakfast in the AM!
Can you possibly take a short clear video of your setup where she is currently living and upload it to YouTube?
I can only add this to the good advice you've been given:

First, cool them off! Only new babies need that much heat. At 3 weeks they're nearly ready to be off heat completely.

Second, you can OD on electrolytes and additives. Yes, offer it, but always with plain, clean water available in another waterer. Imagine if you had nothing to drink but Gatorade in a flavor you don't like. 🤢
Update: She took a sharp turn for the worse and passed away the following day :( I got a replacement chick and a blue plymouth rock while Iwas there and am much happier with their dispositions. I think she was doomed from the start by comparison unfortunately :(
I'm so sorry...💔 :hugs

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