Again. With the hawk.

Is it a standard sized rooster? i am surprised he's running off for a cooper's hawk. My only rooster that just screams out alerts and then dives for cover is the serama, but, he IS pint sized, so i think it's impressive he even keeps an eye out! I do have trees on the property where they free range though, which helps. I would definitely consider getting a dog, like a great pyrenees. They are supposed to be great with chickens. And they super gorgeous!

All my rooster send up alarms and everyone goes running or my great pyrenees comes running to protect. Three of my rooster stand out in the open (we live in a hollow in the woods) sending up an alarm and putting themselves in harms way until all the hens are hiding. I love real men. :)
Yeah I have a run weaver. She will go back and fourth on the side of the run begging to be let out. Makes me feel bad for them but i know if I am not going to be back before dark I wont let them out.
All my rooster send up alarms and everyone goes running or my great pyrenees comes running to protect. Three of my rooster stand out in the open (we live in a hollow in the woods) sending up an alarm and putting themselves in harms way until all the hens are hiding. I love real men. :)
LOL! me too! my roosters are definitely up to the task!

And i have always wanted a great pyreness or a maremma dog. My friends have a maremma dog, and, honestly, he's smarter than many people i know! Amazing dogs.
My border collie x bernese mt. dog is an excellent hawk dog. The roosters trained him. lol. I will make the trill noise that the roosters make and Teddy will look up for the big birds. Or I can ask him where the big birds are in an excited voice and he'll start running and looking up for them. Crows also help out. I've seen them chase the hawks out of the area. The crows roost in the pine trees out back.

But I don't leave the dog outside. I depend on the roosters most of all. And having a few good safe places for cover. Mostly under the bushes next to the house. They all come running at the rooster's alarm. Ducks and chickens together. lol. I considered adding some additional cover in the side yard, like low lattice work teepee or bamboo structure but I think they would still head for the evergreens by the house.
My border collie x bernese mt. dog is an excellent hawk dog. The roosters trained him. lol. I will make the trill noise that the roosters make and Teddy will look up for the big birds. Or I can ask him where the big birds are in an excited voice and he'll start running and looking up for them. Crows also help out. I've seen them chase the hawks out of the area. The crows roost in the pine trees out back.

But I don't leave the dog outside. I depend on the roosters most of all. And having a few good safe places for cover. Mostly under the bushes next to the house. They all come running at the rooster's alarm. Ducks and chickens together. lol. I considered adding some additional cover in the side yard, like low lattice work teepee or bamboo structure but I think they would still head for the evergreens by the house.

LOL Sounds like my Buddy. The roosters send up the alarm and Buddy comes running or I just have to say in a excited voice "Find IT" and he is looking up the whole time running an "S" pattern further and further on the property.

My chickens have a lot of hiding places they can go besides all the bases of trees, bushes, shed, garage, camper, carport, under cars, under three decks, in the goat enclosure - which is where they get what they love the most Buddy's excrement. LOL I figure it's recycling and then I never have to do the dirty deed. :) :)
I think i had a hawk attack i didn't see it but my little Showgirl hen is Missing she would wait at the gate for me but she wasn't there i looked everywhere couldn't find her what do y'all think
I think i had a hawk attack i didn't see it but my little Showgirl hen is Missing she would wait at the gate for me but she wasn't there i looked everywhere couldn't find her what do y'all think

I hope not. :( I know the feeling. My first little girl, I lost, I looked for hours in acres and acres of woods in the rain. I just could not accept that she wasn't somewhere that I could find her.
Heartbreaking too say the least since I lost my rooster (and he wasnt a banty size but he wasnt huge either) all was left was a handful of feathers, then the next day a dead brahma in the yard, I am pretty sure it is a hawk. My dog BCollie is good but I cant leave him in the yard when I go to work because we have had 2 dogs killed in my area by a cougar last fall. So everyone is locked in the 2 pens and mad, especially the turkey hen. I am so worked up about what to do I cant think of anything else but how to make the yard safe again. The electric fence keeps out the mink and coons. Really I should not have ever gotten chickens

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