Age of Buff Orps


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 17, 2011
Sebastian, FL
Was wondering how old my 2 Buff Orps are.........their combs have not developed, I was told they were 6 months old but now I'm thinking they may be younger?
I have one on my profile but they are in a cage so you may not get a good view. I will try and get a better picture this weekend.
Just from their size, they are no where near 6 months old. If you get a better picture it will help, but I don't thin they are over 3 months - if even that.
I was also told that my Buff Orpington was around six months old when I got her. I am starting to suspect that she isn't as well (three weeks and still no eggs, but also her comb and waddles are not red and still small). Here is a picture of mine (taken at dusk though):

Thanks. Since I thought she was older I got layer feed (she is housed with a full grown bantam barnevelder and an EE that is probably also not six months like I was told). Should I get some grower feed and switch them back? I also have oyster shell available for the birds.
I would guess 4 months. I would use grower/finisher maybe one more bag then switch to layer. I wouldn't bother with the oyster shell unless she/they appear to have soft shells since the layer feed has extra calcium already. Definitely would not give the oyster shell before they're laying.
Thanks. Since I thought she was older I got layer feed (she is housed with a full grown bantam barnevelder and an EE that is probably also not six months like I was told). Should I get some grower feed and switch them back? I also have oyster shell available for the birds.

If you can, I would switch them back to grower feed. I could be totally wrong in saying that, but I also remember reading here that if you start layer feed too soon it's not good for them. Pullets don't need the extra calcium and protein in the layer food until their point of lay.
The same thing happended to me. A seller told me they would be ready to start to lay in about a week. Six weeks later only one of five are laying! My birds weren't quite as young as yours so I didn't switch their feed. Good luck!

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