Aggressive Calls?

the duck whisperer

8 Years
Feb 22, 2011
Ok, this may sound a bit strange, but when i was showing my 4-H call duck at the fair, she started nipping at the judge, and she commented that a call duck wouldnt be a call duck without an attitude. All of my calls are quite agressive twords people( not so much me). Are call ducks natually flighty and agressive or are they like runners and can be calm OR flighty? i have 1 call drake that doesnt bite out of 15. And is there any way to train them out of that behavior? I want to show my butterscotch hes so beautiful but hes the meanest. He goes out of his way to hurt people ( he lunges at people) This is so strange because i handle them every day. Im experienced with ducks and have been raising them for as long as i can remember but this is something i just cannot figure out.
None of my ducks have been aggressive (except the mommas with ducklings under there feet
) at 4-h shows and what not. but i have heard of people taking birds that are too skittish or aggressive toward others and putting them in cages similar to the ones they will be showed in and socialize them with not only yourself but other people (possibly any others living with you)
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All 19 of my Calls are wonderful with the exception to one-my Gray drake-he tries to bite, pinch, eye poke, whatever and acts up something fierce at a show.
Handling him a good bit has helped out somewhat, but he kinda just is what he is, a pint sized maniac.
Calls are not, by nature, flighty and aggressive at all-mine are VERY social and chatty when I go out to visit them.
Is this recent or have they always been like this? Breeding season is about to get into full swing, so maybe that might have something to do with it?
Its true that call ducks do have an additude. I find the hens are more agressive than the drakes. I had an old call hen that would try to attack anybody who got in her way. She even took on an 80 pound alaskan mallimute dog!
My calls are real spunky buggers. They are fine in the pen and coop and certainly get more fiesty when in a cage at a show. I have one male that will lunge at your hand if you put it into a cage, but if you call his bluff, he backs off. He's all quack and no bite! That is one thing our calls are horrid about. My daughter has tried everyone of our calls for showman ship and they all bite her arm when she hold them. They get ahold of her skin and twist it.
Yes call's have additude. I find, it depends on a few factors: 1) the line they were bred from 2) time of year. Some lines can be more "touchy" or spunky then others. Also if it is breeding time of year the drakes well be more aggressive

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