Aggressive male goat???

I have a question. Have you or did you ever play with him like by pushing on his head or letting him butt your hand? Things that let them learn butting a human is OK, even in play, helps teach them poor manners. It is adorable when they are tiny...not so adorable when they are big. I actually told off my father when I saw him playing a heatbutting game with my Nigerian Dwarf buckling. BIG NO NO HERE. I do not ever want him to think headbutting a human is OK. The few times it happened already made the buckling think it is fun and fine to do, so I've been working hard to get him to stop.

His behavior likely turned very sour after you removed him from the does for a reason: goats are herd animals. Bucks need buddies, too. I have two bucks. They romp, heatbutt, and play with each other. Before I had two bucks, I had a buck and wether. They'd do the same thing. He is probably all spun up from being in rut, stressed that he is suddenly alone, and sees a human as a convenient target to take out his frustrations. Give him a friend, and an enriching enclosure with toys and things to jump on, and he'll likely settle down.

In the mean time, keeping your niece away from him would be wise.
I never thought about doing that! I can't hold him down, but my dad can! If we decide to, I will let you know if it works!
Yes, I would put my foot out and let him butt it! I never thought anything about it! Yes, he got really mean after I put him in another pen. At first, I had him in a pen without anything to jump on, then I moved him to a much larger pen with things to jump and play on! His pen is right next to the other goats pens. He can see, hear, and sniff them. I'm afraid if I get another male goat, (probably a wether), Buddy would hurt him. When one of my does walks by his pen, Buddy runs up to them, his eyes get really big! He sneezes at them and makes weird noises???
Yes, I would put my foot out and let him butt it! I never thought anything about it! Yes, he got really mean after I put him in another pen. At first, I had him in a pen without anything to jump on, then I moved him to a much larger pen with things to jump and play on! His pen is right next to the other goats pens. He can see, hear, and sniff them. I'm afraid if I get another male goat, (probably a wether), Buddy would hurt him. When one of my does walks by his pen, Buddy runs up to them, his eyes get really big! He sneezes at them and makes weird noises???

Ahh yea, so the headbutting of your foot probably helped teach him it was OK to headbutt people. It really does seem so harmless at first! But it can cause a lot of damage when they start hitting harder and not just in play.

Those are typical behaviors a buck displays to a doe. Other behaviors include the already observed face peeing, also some pee drinking, snorting (sounds like sneezes), blubbering, 'whooping', tongue waggling, raising a front hoof on/toward the doe, and generally acting like an obnoxious goat. My buck tries his darnedest to flirt with the ladies at every opportunity!

He might be rough with a new wether buddy. All goats have to establish a pecking order. Even my does are terribly rough with another new doe! Which is why I separate the most meek of my does to be a buddy to a newbie, then after a few days of the meek doe and the newbie bonding, they both go back to the main herd. With your buck, you'll just kinda have to keep a close eye on things. The buck will be hard on him, no doubt. But hopefully the wether will defend himself and headbutt back. Once they've sorted things out, they'll be inseparable friends!
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Yeah, he likes to butt people! I wish I had never started that habit! Yesterday, my dad went in the pen with Buddy. Every time he tried to rear up or at him, my dad grabbed him and held him on the floor! When he was on the floor Buddy didn't move a muscle! We finally figured out that his muscles were locking up! He's part fainter! Buddy seemed shocked. I'm not sure though if it's going to work.
The fainting won't hurt him. Even if it did, this behavior has got to stop. If you just hit him he is going to think you are challenging him and that he needs to try harder to assert his dominence. Putting him on the ground shows him you are the dominent one. If you can't get though to him, there is always goatburgers...
Thank you all for all your help! I really appreciate it!
I will keep trying to show him whos boss!
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