aggressive peacock

Most of the blue species are not aggressive to people but sometime you will get one. I have a white male that is real aggressive it don't matter if it breeding season or not he been that way sence he was 3 and he 9 years old now he is the only blue species I had that was aggressive. Just because the male is aggressive don't mean the offspring will be aggressive. Java are different you hope you will have one that not aggressive to you I have 3 one is real flighty and want come around you and the other 2 will attack you when you go in the pen. One of these male he is 12 years old will eat out of your hand but don't turn your back on him. Most java are aggressive toward the hens during breeding season the hen will need some cover to get behind to get away from him untill she ready to be breed. Like Steve said peafowl are wild birds and you can't predict what there behavior will be.
My neighbors has a male and female peacock that come onto my property and is aggressive to my chickens, I have lost half of my chickens, because of them pecking them to death or hurting them really bad! They will come into my chicken house and eat all of my food and run my chickens out! At night the peacocks will roost above my chicken house in a tree! They are going bye bye real soon as one of them killed my show white leghorn banty rooster and mate!
My neighbors has a male and female peacock that come onto my property and is aggressive to my chickens, I have lost half of my chickens, because of them pecking them to death or hurting them really bad! They will come into my chicken house and eat all of my food and run my chickens out! At night the peacocks will roost above my chicken house in a tree! They are going bye bye real soon as one of them killed my show white leghorn banty rooster and mate!
Sorry for your lost, have you told your neighbors about that?
Yes, I have told her! I live in the country, and our farms are a 1/4 mile apart, but the peacocks come here because of my food, I don't think my neighbor feeds them any grain! The male is even aggressive to my small dog, when I let her outside to potty! My neighbor will not take care of them, because I don't think she can catch them to pen them up! I have had alot of problems with the neighbors and there horses getting out also!
Yes, I have told her! I live in the country, and our farms are a 1/4 mile apart, but the peacocks come here because of my food, I don't think my neighbor feeds them any grain! The male is even aggressive to my small dog, when I let her outside to potty! My neighbor will not take care of them, because I don't think she can catch them to pen them up! I have had alot of problems with the neighbors and there horses getting out also!
Where I live, if the animal is seen as a pest, no matter how expensive, it is allowed to be shot. My friend's neighbor have lost countless dogs for not taking care of them. First they will come back with an ear missing or just a BB bruise or something and reported to the dog warden. Next time, they will be coming back in a box and reported to the dog warden. Neighbor's cats also receive the same treatment. No matter how pretty the peacocks are, they seem like a pest and if they are killing YOUR animals, it is time to take action, no matter how cruel hearted it seems. I would start by reporting it to the animal control and tell them everything.
I of course would not want those peafowl killed, so if they go in your coop why not be there waiting and just close the door behind them and catch them? Then have their owner keep them penned up?
I would start with a plan of action that includes the neighbor. Talk to them, and since you are the one that is capable of capturing them devise a plan that you capture them in your pen and they take the peas home and keep them in a pen or sell them. If they come back you catch them again and YOU sell them. Or if you don't want to catch them yourself, kill them or find someone who wants them.

If you have a really bad relationship with you neighbor and you are afraid of the birds, just shoot them, bury them, and don't say nuthin'.

I would prefer you found someone who would give them a good home.
The birds behavior will not change. There are only two options: One, you know the neighbor well enough to tell them and trust them to take care of it or Two, you just shoot the birds and get it over with. I personally have zero tolerance for anything bothering my animals unless it was my fault. Any other option will leave you with evidence on the property or in someone else's hands as to the disposition of the birds. Don't go there.

From the information you have given above, I personally would not have let them last long enough to post a thread about it.
Not sure what I would do... Maybe tell the neighbor that you're going to catch them and hand them over to animal control?


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