Agricultural Products?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 23, 2014
I am in a business class in my highschool. We received an assignment to come up with an invention. We are working with a missouri state professional that will pick some of the best inventions and actually turn them into a product! I am the only kid in my whole school of 425 people that lives on a farm. So most people won't have agriculture products. So now for the question........What are some products you guys want to be created to make your life easier on the farm? Any suggestions on new inventions would be great! And If I win... I might even put ur name on the package!
. So please help me out!!
You could try to design some sort of nest box for chickens. Something that is both comfortable and private. Maybe it could be designed so that the eggs can gently roll away to some sort of storage container underneath. That way, when we go to collect eggs, they would be sitting there ready for us in a little basket somewhere, rather than having to hunt through the nest boxes?

Not sure if that is the sort of suggestion you are after or not. Sorry if it sounds silly!

Egg storage is another option you could follow. Lots of us like to display our eggs on the kitchen counter, and a cute way of doing that is always popular.

Good luck!

- Krista
I always thought a leaf stripper- to remove the bottom leaves from a cutting before you stuck it in the rooting medium. My fingers get raw, and the gloves won't hold up.
I do not know what type of agriculture you do so you may not be familiar with plant propagation.
Not all machines need to be complicated.
A pair of tongs is a machine.
something simple that is affordable, that people need.
good luck.

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