Ahh... this is the life :)


Coturnix Obsessed
11 Years
Jul 18, 2008
Indiana, Pennsylvania
Got a "brooder shed" for my well...brooder chicks because the 'rents (parents that hubby & I rent from) were complaining about the chicka-poo
smell in the house... soooo out they go tomorrow... anywho... after fighting that darn thing together (what I have been calling corrigated plastic shed
) it actually looks decient and holds out drafts well!


*it's 3ft by 8 ft if im not mistaken*

The chicks will be hung up mid-level, and I *plan* despite my moms worries, to make a doggy door on the back of it (see the netting? that's where my BC marans are) so that my marans can come in and out of the bottom part as they please during the day and I plan to make it so that I can shut them in it at night. My mom is worried that it will cause drafts for the chicks above the marans... I really don't believe it will esp since the doggy door will be at bottom level and the chicks will be 4 feet above that.. what do ya'll think on that?? I'm not really concerned about the marans jumping on the brooder as I plan to make that impossible for them to do (chicken wire or even stratigically placed wood or cardboard lol.

Anywho.... right now I'm sitting up here (beside the shed) in a lawn chair probably entertaining some neighbors at my hick-ishness--- (being on a laptop outside with my 'yickins
). Now that we strung up electirc cords up here I have the one heat lamp on so I can test the temp during the night with my "satilite thermometer"....mean while Im just enjoying the fact that I can be up here on my lap top plugged in...

My BC marans are snoozing as always (lazy birds I tell ya! I love them though so it's all good lol)!


My trio of Cornish chicks are enjoying their "free range" of the fenced in area... and most of my coturnix are quieting down for the night. I had to put the mallard youngsters away early because they decided to bully on my younger BC marans I had out "free rangeing" earlier (they're still too small for me to feel comfortable letting them fully out like my bigger marans.



Where as in the brooder im sure my chicks and poults are still enjoying the boiled crumbled egg yolk I gave them

*In da brooder*


and to top it all off I sent off my third ever box o' live coturnix chicks....on their way to MI:

^ chicks yesterday (coturnix), and heres the shipping box before I packed them up in it::::

Koda even has got to enjoy the poultry show::::


Even the cats got in on the fun (Tabby was held up by naptime I assume for this picture...)::::

I am up to
4 almost laying age BC marans
3 adolesent BC marans
and 3 chick BC marans

1bantam mutt chick
1 RIR chick
1 marans x orpington chick

2 turkey poults

2 cochin adolesents
3 cornish adolesents

SO many coturnix quails I can't tell you with certainty how many... many as just hatched chicks and many as breeders or almost laying age birds...

In the incubator, MORE turkey eggs, silkie eggs (due to hatch here soon), more coturnix eggs, more BC marans eggs (with more on the way in the mail i assume), call duck eggs on their way, more turkey eggs on their way.., buckeyes hatching soon for a customer, and a silkie mutt egg as well as guinea eggs!

It's safe to say im certifiably addicted

Ahh...this IS the life!
haha it's a coturnix and its about 3 days older than that (in the pic) just hours old turkey poult

They get along well
Theres two turkey poults in there and several coturnix (all different ages)
Well and the trio of marans, rir, and a bantam mutt

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