Air cell too small; Does my baby have any chance at all?


8 Years
Apr 9, 2011
East Tennessee
I have a dewlap toulouse due to hatch on the 14th and the air cell is pretty small. I candled the egg on the 21st day of incubation and realized it wasn't growing fast enough, so I took all the water out of the bator and opened both vents. I continued misting and turning as normal and candled it every night. It grew a little but its still not where it should be. Its time to go into lockdown now and I don't know what I should do. Should I add the water back in and raise humidity, or wait, or leave it and hope for the best? This is only my second time hatching goose eggs. The first two eggs went smooth as silk but the air cells on those were much larger than this ones. Actually, I worried they were too big. I know the babys still alive because the egg is in the wiggle stage. Has anyone here had an egg with a small air cell hatch successfully or is the baby doomed for sure? Oh I'm so upset and worried about this baby!
Any advise would be GREATLY APPRECIATED! Thanks so much!
Do not add water and dont go into lockdown. Run dry and cool daily for 15 minutes. You only need to consider lockdown when the gosling externally pips


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