Two years ago I bought my first chicks from an elderly man who sold fresh eggs.  He told me I was getting Dominekers and Ameraucana.   I loved the babies and they grew up to be...Barred Rocks and Easter Eggers.  But that's okay, I still love them and their eggs are delicious.   Some time in the future I would like to find some real Domineques and Ameraucanas.   Anybody live over on the west side of AL?
I have 24 Dominique eggs in the incubator right now and will have absolutely no room for all of them.... I'll keep you posted on the hatch and so forth. We are in Cullman County....
The coop! She is a-finished! So tonight on.our wedding anniversary we are officially moving the black jersey giants and the blue lace wyandottes inside! A finished coop is the best gift ever!They have been brooder mates through the clear boxes up until this point, and I'm excited to see how they do with so much space; the coop is huge! I just set up their pad with FF, several new big waterers, some chick grit and tons of little boxes and perches. DH is putting a nice T-5 light out there and moving their brooder lights since they are all around 5 and a half weeks to stay toasty and a little familiar. This will be their first night outside. Excitement and fear! Who would have thought over birds! The silkies and sizzles will go out in another week or so weather permitting. :) fingers crossed my friends! I will try to take some pictures of them in their new digs!
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The coop! She is a-finished!

Photos, please.
Coop pictures tomorrow! Rainy and wet tonight. It was our first carpentry attempt, so it's all hodge podgey quite possibly it's most charming characteristic! A few spats between giants and wyandottes but that is to be expected. However one started right after the move (and possibly before) to act sort of listless, isolated from other peeps, and on more than one occasion walking in circles. Any thoughts. I'm going to offer some electrolyte and probiotics water. We've lost 0 peeps so far this spring. and they are already 5 weeks. Hoping he is just under the weather. ;(
Coop pictures tomorrow! Rainy and wet tonight. It was our first carpentry attempt, so it's all hodge podgey quite possibly it's most charming characteristic! A few spats between giants and wyandottes but that is to be expected. However one started right after the move (and possibly before) to act sort of listless, isolated from other peeps, and on more than one occasion walking in circles. Any thoughts. I'm going to offer some electrolyte and probiotics water. We've lost 0 peeps so far this spring. and they are already 5 weeks. Hoping he is just under the weather. ;(
Try giving some Selenium and Vitamin E. It helps with stargazing and wryneck. It sounds like it is a vitamin deficiency. If you want you can give Nutridrench. It has all vitamins. Maybe that will help.

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