I'm shaking and close to tears and I know it's stupid and I know it's minor in the whole series of stuff.. but I just can't handle any more.

City code enforcer came by and said someone called to complain about my screaming rooster. So I told him he's gone, he's been gone for a week. Then he tells me that they got a call that my dogs aren't licensed.

So... I have a week to get my dogs licensed. He didn't see my cats, but I asked and I now know they need licensed too, just in case they get out. Probably going to cost me about $100 total.

Now HOW someone even figured out my dogs aren't licensed is beyond me, since they never get out of the yard and they're not near a road or walkway.. Only person who could see them in my neighbor behind me with the fence that keeps getting taller.

He was really nice and said my chicken area looked clean for a chicken area. Told him it was about time to rake it again. He said they're ok as pets, as long as they don't become 'agriculture' as in, you grow them to sell them. They're fine as pets. He talked a bit to me about random stuff.. but I am just so shook up. It's violating to me when folks call the city on me. Not the first time either, this is like the third time now.. Always something. Weeds too high, junk in my yard (stuff I was taking to the landfill the next day).. He said if he comes next week, he would maybe say something about my grass, but I would probably have cut it by then. Yeah, I cut it once a week... Can't help that it has weeds that grow so rediculously fast.

I love my home, but I really wish I wasn't in city limits. I want to build a high fence around most of it, so I can just ignore the world. I've about had it with the world.


The straw that broke the camel's back.

I am very sorry you're having to deal with this at this time. I live in a rural neighborhood. We even have an HOA of sorts. Our last meeting was three years ago.
Basically, if I keep the grass cut--about 4 acres worth--everything is cool. The neighbors even liked hearing my rooster, too. They said it made living in the country even more 'country'. Like Wisher1000 said, the trade-off is convenience but it's a goal worth striving for if country life is something that appeals to you. As for the complaints, take them one at a time and try to stay good-spirited about it. Let the complaintant be the bad guy. If you can't afford to get all dogs registered at this time, get one or two done to show you're making a good faith effort to comply. That may earn you some good will with the federales. Take it one day at a time and things will get better. Time doesn't heal all wounds but it does allow you to carry on. God bless.
So excited!!' My husband found our first egg! Only one of the eight RIR hens has a bright comb so is it safe to think she is the one that laid it? I haven't seen the egg but hubby said it is between banty and regular size and more round than egg shape. He says shell feels normal though. We have 3 frizzle bantam cochins that I am assuming they are hens but I wouldn't think their eggs would be that big. How would we know if one of them is a rooster? They all look alike. I am thrilled though!!!
So excited!!' My husband found our first egg! Only one of the eight RIR hens has a bright comb so is it safe to think she is the one that laid it? I haven't seen the egg but hubby said it is between banty and regular size and more round than egg shape. He says shell feels normal though. We have 3 frizzle bantam cochins that I am assuming they are hens but I wouldn't think their eggs would be that big. How would we know if one of them is a rooster? They all look alike. I am thrilled though!!!

Congrats! I am still waiting patiently
I check three times a day.. compulsive much? heehee

I'm alright everyone. I cut the grass and moved a little more junk. One step at a time. I'm not sure which neighbor called the city, but it's ok. Monday we will get their shots and their tags and it will be ok. I had never seen a dog with a tag in this area, so I never worried about it myself. I get overwhelmed sometimes, but it's ok. Thanks for y'alls support. I love coming to this forum because I know there's some really great people here. Helps to vent every once in a while

I don't have any family here and I don't really have friends. My ex-husband is the only one who visits every once in a while. I'm not that social.. more of an animal person. A dog will never wag at you, then talk behind your back (or call the city) LOL Find myself talking to strangers easier than to 'friends'. And y'all are pretty strange
I fit right in.

In happy news: I got some HUGE peaches off my tree! First year I am actually getting something edible off of it. I had one miserable little peach last year, the rest all fell off. And my blackberry bush is going crazy. *dances* That is the kind of stuff that makes me so happy. I know 5 years from now my garden will be flourishing and the house will be in much better shape and the chickens will be getting us daily eggs. Life's good. It's the bumps that make the happy times that much more meaningful.

We're going to visit fiance's family in North Carolina sometime in July. That'll be nice too. I am so glad they got to meet my momma, even if it was at a funeral. Fiance says I am one of the family now (they keep sending me sweet cards ^^). I am really happy with that. It's nice to be part of a family. Especially if they don't live next door
(Seriously, I could never live too close to family. I would drive me bonkers to have them over every few days.)

Anyway, back to egg-watch.

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