Hah. Just busy.

I'm sure we've been over this question before, but does anyone have a good address for organic chicken feed in Shelby county or surrounding areas? I'm trying to clean up our diet, for the sake of the kiddos.. don't know if I'm quite ready to leap into paying big bucks for organic feed, but worth asking.
Well I'm in NYS and we are frozen but not snowed in. Just a few inches so far this year.

Chickens lay a few but not enough to satisfy me. I'm getting ready to set some eggs to hatch.

I'm not big on Silkies but does anyone know Claudia and is she still keeping chickens? I've been bragging about her silkies to folks here. I've sent her e-mails and a card but no reply. She's a nice lady.
We had hominy snow up here in DeKalb county last night.

Bubby got into it with the neighbors cattle dog who came over here and wanted to kill our cats and yard chickens. Bubby didn't like that but is still a puppy so didn't have the fighting thing figured out yet. Poor baby.
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We had hominy snow up here in DeKalb county last night.
Bubby got into it with the neighbors cattle dog who came over here and wanted to kill our cats and yard chickens. Bubby didn't like that but is still a puppy so didn't have the fighting thing figured out yet. Poor baby.

That poor baby -- hope that is the cowdog blood, but guessing not. They are small but tough and neurotic enough to need therapy. I would know....we have a heeler.
We had hominy snow up here in DeKalb county last night.
Bubby got into it with the neighbors cattle dog who came over here and wanted to kill our cats and yard chickens. Bubby didn't like that but is still a puppy so didn't have the fighting thing figured out yet. Poor baby.

Poor pup! Glad he tried to protect the cats and flock, though. People really need to keep their animals on their own property.

That poor baby -- hope that is the cowdog blood, but guessing not. They are small but tough and neurotic enough to need therapy. I would know....we have a heeler.

My heeler was one of the best dogs I've ever had. Granted, it required lots of training to get him there (my hobby of 30 years and he was a rescue), but he was 100% stable once I trained him.

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