Hi silkiemomma welcome back.
Thanks everyone! The whole family took a break from social media, got rid of the facebook etc. It is so nice to be back!!! I hope everyone is having a great spring! Our girls have already started hatching peeps. Our youngest hen, bless her heart sat on a good 7 eggs for weeks, she got one baby hatched, then abandoned the rest to raise her little (so many eggs stopped so close to hatching), our veteran mom Sterling had just hatched 4 babes, so they were sort of tandem raising them. Unfortunately the new mom lost her single babe (the other 4 are doing great), and she is so heart broken. Sterling wont share any of her chicks with her. Anyone have any success with surrogacy? I am wondering if it wouldn't alleviate her stress to get her a babe or 3 from the feed store.
Thanks silkiemomms and bamadude. We started back this year with some hens just a mix of brown eggers. Not trying to get a parti going. After listening to the neighbors 10 roosters everymorning wd opted out. We also have a organic garden and dairy goats now. Gmo free. Constantly searching for heirloom replacements. Non gmo feeds and seeds and no antibiotic injected stock.

Thanks again for the welcome

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