Yep. What wisher said. And BCP welcome to the thread.
:hit So sorry about all of that, I know exactly how you are feeling, been there, done that, many times.  Unfortunately, if you keep poultry, you will have losses.  Sometimes, major losses.  You have two choices, you can continue forward by taking steps to prevent it from happening again, and start building your flock back up OR you can get rid of what's left and get out of the bird business completely.  I choose to keep working to keep it from happening again.

Most people who have any experience keeping poultry will attach a skirt of sturdy wire (2x4 welded wire works well fo:(r me) to the bottom of their coop and run and let it extend at lease two feet outward on the ground to prevent anything from digging in.  You can cover it with a layer of dirt, or rocks, or you can leave it exposed.  Make sure it is fastened securely to the bottom of the coop all the way around, and this won't happen again.  Also, make sure your wire on the outside of your enclosure is strong enough that a dog can't bite or push it's way in.  Now that the dog has enjoyed your birds this way, he/she will be back. 

Another option is to run a hot wire around the outside of your enclosure about a foot out and about 1/2 a foot off the ground.  This will help keep dogs and some wild predators away. 

Don't beat yourself up about it too much, we have all had it happen at one time or another.  Just work hard to protect them and do your best.  That's all any of us can do.  You have the right to catch that dog and take it to the shelter.  You also have the right to kill it.  Just sayin'........  :hugs

Thank you. I'm showing my dad this so he can fix my fence. For now we put cinder blocks around the bottom of my fence in the backyard so this doesn't happen again when I let the ducks out to free range. Which I'm sure wont be anytime soon. I'm afraid those dogs will find some way in and this will happen again. :( So for now they wont be out of the coop unless I can watch them the whole time. :/
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I have had such a terrible day.
Some stray dogs dug a hole under my fence and attacked all of my chicken & ducks. None of my hens made it except for one and she has a big hole in her stomach. Two of my ducks were killed. When I went outside I found a stay biting my blue ssedish so I chased the dog off but after about an hour my duck died. So now I have 4 ducks and one hen! Almost my entire flock is dead! I had my dad come and fix the fence... I called animal control but of course they said it'll be a few days before they can come out.
So sorry for your loss! We have a lot of dogs in our area (not strays! but we live out in the county and there is no leash law) so we are working hard to make sure we make our coop and run as dog and predator proof as possible.
Good luck!
So we've waited until nearly too late this year to get the chicken breeds we wanted locally and if I order them from Cackle or MyPetChicken it's going to be $50 for 3-4 pullets after shipping. So is there anyone located near Florence, AL or Lauderdale County that has chicks hatching soon? I'm looking for regular sized breeds that will be docile, good layers, and not go broody often.
I'd prefer Wyandottes, Barred Rocks, Orps, Barnevelders, Ameraucanas, etc.
I'm still pretty new to chicken keeping so I don't know any local breeders and sellers other than Tractor Supply Co. and Longrider.
For some reason I can't quote on my phone but I've been around wisher just very busy. I'm raising some EE now and enjoying the variety very much. I'm concentrating on bantam Cochins though. At least for now. I have the last of my Millie fleur leghorns for sale if anyone is interested.
Every tues there is a farmers market near the old bridge near McFarland park. They have all sort of birds for sale. I've picked up a few chicks before when I was up in Florence.

So we've waited until nearly too late this year to get the chicken breeds we wanted locally and if I order them from Cackle or MyPetChicken it's going to be $50 for 3-4 pullets after shipping.  So is there anyone located near Florence, AL or Lauderdale County that has chicks hatching soon?  I'm looking for regular sized breeds that will be docile, good layers, and not go broody often.
I'd prefer Wyandottes, Barred Rocks, Orps, Barnevelders, Ameraucanas, etc.

I'm still pretty new to chicken keeping so I don't know any local breeders and sellers other than Tractor Supply Co. and Longrider.

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