ROLL TIDE and Happy Thanksgiving:)! I just received an early Christmas present yesterday morning from DH. I ordered the "Surprise Special" from Ideal Hatchery over the phone and they were super nice, made notes for the Packers that I would love to have a Rhode Island Red Cockeral and a Barred Rock Cockeral and it appears I got my wish, along with what looks to be some of the cutest Black Australorps, maybe a of couple Easter Eggers and I have no idea on the yellow chicks, yet. Anyway, I am thrilled! I was expecting 25 and received 27! The Hayden Post Office did a great job, called me right away and they are happy as can be this morning:)! Anyway, from what I've read I am very happy about the Black Australorps, never had any before! Read they were sweet docile and big brown egg layers:)!
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I'll be awake the first Quarter but have to work tonight so i will be in bed soon.

This is the only week i will not pull for the Team Bear Built.

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