Hi all! Hope everyone in AL is doing ok after the storm!

Does anyone near Birmingham have any ducklings for sale? I am interested in getting 2, but not really concerned with the breed too much. I want a breed that will make good pets, but beyond that it doesn't matter.

Hope you all have a great day!

- Melissa
Hi! i live in Utah now, but was born and raised in Alabama. I was checking in to see how everyone (and their birds) had weathered the storms. Just wanted you all to know that lots of thoughts and prayers have been sent up from this Alabama native
I agree. My whole family lives in the paths of these storms. All are okay, thank God, but it was and IS terrible. Please do keep praying for those affected!!! So many have lost everything they own and family members, too!

I hope everyone is doing ok in and around Alabama. We had some very bad weather that has affected our whole state. I am from lauderdale county we had 2 tornadoes cofirmed. We were very lucky but 35 40 miles from my house was not so lucky. Those people are having a very hard time and need lots of help. They have a long road ahead of them.
I saw that you are from nw AL. you must be up near hackelburg and phil campbell. What a horrible devastation! i am glad you're okay. This is definitely going to be a long-term recovery effort.

If anyone is Interested I have some Muscovy duckling hatching any day now, Mama is getting super hissy and all the eggs look good. They will be black pied or black bibbed, There is chocolate in the lineage but i dont think that will show up in these babies, who knows! Im in the Montgomery Area, but can meet up in wetumpka, selma, pville, millbrook, santuck, and surrounding areas. I can post pictures or PM for more info
I was born and raised in Birmingham, I lived all over Birmingham. It came really close to where my father lives and my sisters home is gone. I have been really upset for the last few days cause of all the devastation to my home towns but it really has brought a lot of people together that would never have ever met one another had it not been for this storm. I am from the Jefferson co area where the EF 5 went through and then on the other side of my fathers house another one passed.

It was so crazy and not being able to get through via cell phone or land line was nerve wrecking I don't know if I could hold it together if I was there. I was barely holding it together being so far away from home. We lost a few very wonderful friends, and a few family members.

I will never forget 4/27 for as long as I live a day after my birthday.......

People are trying to help the survivors of the 4/27 tornado's by returning photos
you find any please post them to that site.

Thank you for all the first responders in Alabama , and thank you to all the Volunteers you are such a Blessing to so many people.
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