Alarm "clock" with no snooze button


Covered in Pet Hair & Feathers
10 Years
Sep 22, 2009
My slice of heaven in Somerset, CA
I keep my cell phone on the night stand, because ....well... I do. It came in handy this morning.

Just before the real alarm clock was due to scream into action, I am awakened by my Himalayan making that unmistakable "I have something for you!" sound.

It was this prize:

So I got up earlier than usual - couldn't smack any snooze bar on THAT! At least, not without risking the certainty Smudge would drop the thing into the bed with me.
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I've discovered cats indoors with those lovely beasties, eating them, chasing them, leaving them around, and have had them brought to the house door -- but never been awakened by one.

Guess I just haven't lived.

Good kitty!
Awwww she wuvs her mommy.

I read a book on cats in the vet's office once. It said cats do that to try and teach us beings how to hunt and that they get very frustrated when we seem to simple-minded to figure it out.

Well I have a worse story. My fiance steps out of bed, barefoot, onto the present my cats left at our door. He still walks around barefoot. I do not think he learns!

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