Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

LOL Aimee I can totally picture you trying to crawl threw your little chicken door! Had a good laugh at that

On another note, I'm ready for some meat birds lol
Sorry Paula, I don't know anyone off hand, and I'm probably too late anyhow.

Oh! I should have updated! We got a Buck, and he has made himself very useful!
Here's one of my little girls, but she's not yet 6 months old... I'd get the one you pictured if I were you.

She is very pretty, but if she's a little bantam, my mean girls will just pounce on her! I'll be calling Animal Control in a bit...they just opened at 11. Thanks!
They said that she's a bearded silky bantam, and wears a diaper to run around inside. $5 dollar adoption fee. I can't do it, she'd be horribly harassed by dogs and cats inside, and disdained by my other girls.
That is just wrong

I have chicks in my heated crawl space right now, but they have a special set up that prevents gunk from spreading, and they will be moving out when fully feathered.
Diapers and no outdoors?

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