

Aug 28, 2017
We had a peacock show up at our place about 3 years ago. I have tried numerous types of feed. He seems to be pretty picky, but I will try to formulate a feed according to your advice. My question though, is we are now in the process of building a structure for him and want to get a female for him. To me, he seems lonely. We have lots of turkeys in our area, but they won't have any thing to do with him. lately, they have even taken to fighting with him. I am hoping that by getting him a girlfriend, he will stay away from the turkeys. My question is, will they automatically like each other? Should I get more than one? Thank you.
Peafowl need a 20% protein feed I feed a 20% lay pellet made by a local mill. Corn and scratch should only be fed during the cold weather along with a 20% feed. Feeding corn during the summer months is to hard on the birds it produces to much body heat. Mazuri make a Exotic Gamebird Breeder it is made for pheasant and peafowl it is 20% protein but it not much different than the feed I'am feeding now I'am paying 480.00 a ton and the mazuri is 1000.00 a ton. Dog food can be fed as treats only.
Thank you so much for your reply. I have read about the mazuri feed, but can not find it here. May have to order or look farther out to larger towns. So, that can be fed all year. I just made up a mix of corn, seed, peanuts, raisins and other stuff. He does not eat the corn very much. He mostly likes the peanuts and cat food. He is free to roam, so he gets whatever he wants. He is loving the grasshoppers right now. I am trying to make notes on what to feed and when. Do I need to give a peahen laying stuff, if I don't intend to raise peachicks. And, can you eat peahen eggs? Have never heard of that. Thanks so much for your help.
Thank you so much for your reply. I have read about the mazuri feed, but can not find it here. May have to order or look farther out to larger towns. So, that can be fed all year. I just made up a mix of corn, seed, peanuts, raisins and other stuff. He does not eat the corn very much. He mostly likes the peanuts and cat food. He is free to roam, so he gets whatever he wants. He is loving the grasshoppers right now. I am trying to make notes on what to feed and when. Do I need to give a peahen laying stuff, if I don't intend to raise peachicks. And, can you eat peahen eggs? Have never heard of that. Thanks so much for your help.
An egg is an egg. It may not be like your chicken eggs but i'd eat it. and as for layers feed i'm not sure since i've never raised peafowl of my own but I wouldn't give her any if shes out free ranging. Remember, Peafowl are not chickens or ducks, They live to forage and eat all the grub and grass out there.
Penned peafowl get a manufactured feed designed to provide the nourishment it requires. A free ranging bird can find what it really needs and what you supplement them is icing on the cake so to speak. Most crumbles make use of soy for the protein and are formulated like they are trying to fatten up the Christmas turkey. Peafowl are a lean species that do not need as high of a protein level as what you will hear although they do need a variety of foods to be in top shape.

The best protein for peas is an animal by products or fish. You can find some high-end cat feed like the Blue Diamond Fish and Sweet Potatoe I think it is. It is nearly as good as feeding Ultra Kibble which is another high end and very good feed. The cat food and UK only need to be fed at about 3Tbs per day along with the natural foods it forages or whole grains, which by the way is a very natural feed for birds in general.

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