Albino/Leucistic Pigeon or Dove?


May 5, 2020
Southern Indiana
Several years ago this white bird visited the bird feeders at my house. It stayed around for about a week before I found a mess of white feathers under one of the trees. :( It wasn't tame but it would let me get within ~15-20 feet before doing anything. I tried catching it to no avail and I didn't see any band on it. It also seemed to be slightly larger than a Mourning Dove. Sorry, I know these pictures aren't great but they're the only ones I got. Obviously no way to tell for sure but do you think it was just a "wedding release" bird or does it look like a certain type of pigeon/dove?
Looks like a dove, probably once domestic. Could be from a wedding/event release type thing, escaped pet, who knows! Probably not a wild mutation like leucism or albinism, ringneck doves come in white and pied type varieties which could explain this little guys coloring. I'm going to assume probably a ringneck dove as those seem to be most commonly kept as pets?
I don’t know a whole lot about doves but they look the same to me. I saw a few that got released that would hang with the pigeons when I lived in the city. We’re 300 miles from the shore and we have a flock of seagulls that live in fish pond behind the feed store. :idunnoBirds show up where you least expect them.
Looks like an ordinary white ringneck dove. Someone either lost a pet, or someone read about "dove" releases for weddings/funerals and thought they could buy a dove and release it for cheaper than hiring someone all while not knowing that the "doves" used in releases are actually homing pigeons. There are also dealers who will sell such a bird to an unsuspecting person as long as they make a couple bucks.
Yeah it looks a lot like a ringneck dove but it's a bit hard to tell. It looked a lot like this right?
Yeah, I'd say that's what it was. Same head and body shape. It had really reddish feet and a kinda pinkish red skin around the eyes, that's why I didn't know. I've been into wild birds and been around them ever since I was little so generally I'd be able to tell right away what kind something is. This is just the first and only all white bird I've seen in my birdwatching.
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Yeah, I'd say that's what it was. Same head and body shape. It had really reddish feet and a kinda pinkish red skin around the eyes, that's why I didn't know. I've been into wild birds and been around them ever since I was little so generally I'd be able to tell right away what kind something is. This is just the first and only all white bird I've seen in my birdwatching.
Yeah that sounds like a ringneck dove. Their feet are pink when they're young then they become quite red.

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